Going for two or three weeks is fab..my family and friends adore it.
Things That Get Me Down
Trying to form a queue at the bank only to be railroaded to the back time and time again. Its worse still at the post office.
Watching the local man in front of me paying half of what I do for exactly the same thing.
Giving the gardener money to help when his daughter died, only to see the very same daughter helping him at work one week later.
Giving the gardener money to rush home in a emergency as his father had expired only to have his brother (our other gardener) ask me for money one month later to go a visit this same father who had apparently had a stroke (conveyed by very convincing series of face contorsions of his symptoms).
Feeling that all foreigners have no long term memory in the eyes of some locals so they can effectually tell you anything and give blank looks when you contradict or question them.
Being spat at and given bad words to at Mapusa market (during Monsoon).. still love Mapusa although very very smelly.
Having to pay our Goan neighbours share of the complex upkeep cos he doesnt feel he has to.
Waking up to find said Goan neighbour has invited 30 guests to spend the day at (our very tiny) complex whilst he doesnt feel his need to open his house, doesnt turn up himself and they have nowhere to go to the loo. Obviously the pool came in handy!
Paying bribe after bribe just to get simple paperwork completed...this happens to locals too, they just have to pay less!
Constantly being discussed unfavourably in Konkani.
Feeling bad when other expats invite us to Bingo or Quiz nite when its just not our cup of tea!
I could go on but dont want to bore you! As stated.. tweekers (my friend who used to live in Goa calls herself that now!.. I am 100% sure you will have a great holiday, problems just seem to come when your'e there a long time!
regards Mollypoppet