I am now holding on to my vouchers from Tesco rather than an automatic conversion to BA miles and going to be investigating other deals just incase. Would love to hear if others have converted vouchers for Hilton or Marriott airport hotels.
I haven't converted any of mine yet but a friend booked at 2 night break at a Marriott with hers. They used to be able to be used against the Marriott Escape Rate but now they are against the Stay for Breakfast rate. Hilton are on their Bed and Breakfast rates. Be a good idea if you don't want the airport hotel carparking.
I've used my vouchers once (in May) for a break at a Barcelo hotel, when we were visiting family. There are clauses e.g. it has to be a weekend and include 2 nights between Fri -Sun (incl). You also won't get the cheapest rate as each chain specifies which rate it applies to. When I went we had to book the B&B rate which worked out a fair bit more than room only but because I had the vouchers I didn't mind. I'm now saving for another break during one of the Feb half term weekends. IO'd much rather do that than use them to buy food!!
It is definitely far better to use them on deals. It doesn't sound likely that I can use vouchers for airport hotels but I'll have to investigate further.
The only way you can do that at present is by converting them to airmiles but the deal you get that way doesnt make it worth it .
As it stood this morning it would cost me £129 worth of vouchers converted to airmiles for a hotel I can get for £144 anyway on my 3 nights to Tallinn . Still obviously better than paying cash if I wanted to use my vouchers but nowhere near the 4X value .
Still deliberating as I have enough but think they would be better saved for another use .
Lyn - lucky you off to Tallin - I am so envious. We too have just used our vouchers once to stay at a Barcelo Hotel in this country & have almost got enough to have a weekend in February.
You cash in the points through the tesco website. IIRC you have to type in the index numbers on each vouvher, then you ask Tesco to send you a slip to the value of the points you need to pay for the holiday, then the travel firm will accept the slip as cash.
We used ours this year to pay for 2 weeks in an appartment in Tuscany.
Hi de Hi- What company did you book through? I know Cosmos do holidays but without checking Tesco's website I can't remember who else do.
I know vouchers can be used for Siblu holidays who deal with holiday parks in France. Can also use for Virgin holidays and some cruise companies.
Have a look at this link from Tesco Holiday Deals.
Now that i see that you can redeem vouchers for Siblu holidays, that might be another option for us, as we are hoping to go on a caravan holiday in a french park next Easter holidays. Probably would'nt have enough in vouchers to pay for full holiday, but it could help pay off a big chunk of it.
I have heard that when using deals, you will always pay the full brochure price, and so cant avail of any other discounts, so perhaps it's not a good a deal as it sounds? Any used deals with Siblu?
Also. I vaguely remember a post not so long ago, where the poster mentioned that they were going on a 'Sun' newspaper holiday, in France, so perhaps that could be another option, when they start again. Does anybody know when this is.I would'nt imagne it will be till early next year.
I read about the Cosmos holidays on the Tesco site a while ago and you had to spend a minimum of £400 pp. You definitely have to check everything out carefully because some probably wouldn't be bargains.
2 return flights to Lesbos in Greece
1 Villa for 2 weeks in Portugal
1 Villa for 2 weeks in Spain
Luxury weekend in London at Paddington Shaftesbury Suites
2 weeks car hire in Spain
About to use vouchers for 2 weeks at Siblu caravan park in Spain next year.
We think they're ace.
Wow eviljock, you've certainly put your vouchers to good use by using deals! I'm very impressed with what you've got for them. Much better use of them than using them to get money off shopping. That's what I was doing till fairly recently. Would you reccomend siblu? I hadnt heard of them until recently, when I started looking at what i could get for my clubcard points.
We booked with Individual Travellers but I think they are no longer partners with Tesco.
we always used to use them for flights on XL airways before they went bust. might look at using against virgin holidays in the future.
Would you reccomend siblu?
We've never holidayed with them before. Reviews on the web are mixed but generally favourable. At the end of the day, we always enjoy our holidays no matter what so if it turns out the caravan is really tat and hot and noisy, we'll still have a great time - that's what holidays are for. We chose the caravan option because we wanted to go back to Barcelona but couldn't afford the prices in the city itself. This way, we pay with £150 worth of Tesco coupons (= £600 of vouchers) and it's only half an hour by train from the caravan park to Barcelona. Since we'll be out and about all day, the caravan is only for sleeping and showering in.
I'll keep saving the vouchers. Definitly seems worth it!
A friend of mine travelled on the QE2 using her tesco vouchers - not sure if she made it to the captains table though

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