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lost bank cards
13 Posts
Two ways to do this in my opinion.

First you need to speak with his bank in the UK and explain what has happened. Whilst banks do not normally talk with anyone other than the account holder they should take notice of you on this. They may be able to advise you how you can get money to him.

Second ask your son for his Aussie bank details. Armed with them I see no reason why his UK bank cannot transfer funds into that account in the short term.

thanks for fast reply ive allready phoned his uk bank and they wont discuss anything with me other than to say they have stopped his card grrrrr so frustrating when it costs him a fortune to call them.i was wandering if i could transfer into his australian account ive searched the internet for info on that and havent had much luck.i will go to the uk bank tommorow and see if they will do that for me many thanks
I had reason to cancel my Barclaycard credit card on the first day of a month long touring holiday. I cancelled it while we were in Hong Kong and they arranged for a new card to be delivered to the address of people we were staying with in Australia.

For this to work he would need to stay in one place for a few days and be able to give them the address. I think mine took 5 days to arrive.

luci :wave
thanks luci he is phoning them tomorrow he is staying in the same hostel till after the new year so hopefully they will do that for him :tup
There is of course a moral to this story. If your kids will insist in going off around the world make sure they authorise for the bank to discuss the account with you if a problem arises.

Does he bank with the same as you? If so speak with them as "you a customer" and explain the problem. Your son also customer" is the other side of the world with a problem.

Little play on the words but it might work.

i know exactly what your saying and before he left in may i said this to him lets go to the bank so i can have power over your account just incase things go wrong would he listnen NO yes i bank with them too kids ehhh but god we love em
Don't count on your bank being very helpful - I had a similar problem when my daughter was working in the states for three months. They kept blocking her bank card, despite her informing them of the situation before she went away. She had to spend a fortune in phone calls back here to try to sort things out - and they eventually put a complete stop on the card, meaning she had to use the credit card she had taken in case of emergencies. We've since complained and are about to take our complaint to the Financial Services Ombudsman. We have several accounts as a family with the same bank - but when push came to shove, they didn't want to know!
thanks all ive just got back from the son phoned them this morning and gave authorisation to them to discuss all with me the best they can do is post a new card to me then i have to get it to him long process really but thats the best they can do.if they post it to australia for him he would have to change his adress with them.they are hoping to have it out to me by thursday fingers crossed.if he doesnt get it in time they said i can transfer funds to his australia account with them and it will cost 25 least i know he will be ok for christmas now haleluya :tup
Which bank is it - so that we can avoid them! What half wit would think it's a good idea to send the new card to the UK address when they know he's in Australia and needs it there. My godson had his card stolen in Shanghai in the summer and his bank (Nationwide I think) sent a new one to meet up with him at his next stop in Bejing.

It's worth getting son to check small print of insurance, they may pay service charges and phone calls related to this.
its halifax steve yes im dissapointed that they wont post to australia for him but in the space of time i have i cant afford to mess about im going away myself on the 20th december ive told him to check with his insurance.sometimes things just dont go your way thanks
Funnily enough, the problems my daughter had were with the Bank of Scotland, which is also part of the Halifax. They sent her new card to her home address, which was a fat lot of use when she was thousands of miles across the Atlantic and simply didn't want to know despite her pleading with them to even transfer money from her account to her friend's account, so she would at least have access to some cash.
its bad isnt it blondie best of luck with your case,and hopefully when my sons bank card arrives i can post it to him.i suppose that will take 7 days then to get to australia grrrr :tup
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