Is anyone else having any problems getting a credit card refund for Globespan flights because the company is "in administration" rather than "in liquidation"??
Our flights were booked in August on a Virgin Mastercard. Claim was submitted to Virgin just after the company's collapse, and today they(Virgin) have said that they will not be making a refund at present. First reason given was that we had to wait until the date of the flights had passed - we challenged this as we were aware from Consumer Direct that this is not the case and they backed down and changed tack..(our flights were booked for September 2010)
Then we were told that Virgin would not be able to refund as Mastercard were not allowing them to do so. Reason? The company is in adminstration and not in liquidation. We would have to wait initially 120 days from the date of the company going into administration until it goes into liquidation if a buyer is not found. Should a buyer be found, we were told they would be expected to provide us with flights!!!
All sounds like nonsense to me -my understanding would be simply this: we booked with a company which has failed to provide us with what we paid for, and we are therefore protected under the Consumer credit act, and the credit company's joint liability. Consumer Direct said the refund should be immediate, but Virgin today are not budging. They have said that Visa have authorised refunds to their customers but not Mastercard at present and they will be putting our claim as "pending" for another 2 weeks.
I wasn't aware that there would be any difference in a credit card being visa or mastercard in terms of protection under the consumer credit act.
I have now spoken to the office of the Financial Ombudsman and registered the details, so will have to wait and see. I can't do anymore at present as the booking was made on my friend's credit card and they will need to speak to her direct.
Bit annoyed to say the least - I have had to shell out for more expensive flights to ensure we could go, and it would appear that there will be no refund in the near future although I believe we are entitled to an immediate refund.
Anyone else got any experience of this situation re administration/liquidation and visa/mastercard refunds. Would appreciate any advice on anything else I can do now.