17-Jan St. Anthony Xaghra (Gozo) 21565484
24-Jan Conversion of St. Paul Mdina 21456620
24-Jan Conversion of St. Paul Marsalforn (Gozo) 21551010
31-Jan St. John Bosco Victoria (Gozo)
10-Feb Shipwreck of St. Paul Valletta 21223348
10-Feb Shipwreck of St. Paul Munxar (Gozo) 21564503
7-Mar St. Gregory Kercem 21551355
12-Mar Christ the Redeemer Senglea 21827203
19-Mar St. Joseph Rabat 21454594
25-Mar The Annunciation Victoria (Gozo)
26-Mar Our Lady of Sorrow Various Parishes
28-Mar Palm Sunday Various Parishes
2-Apr Good Friday Various Parishes
4-Apr Easter Sunday Various Parishes
10-Apr St. Vincent Valletta 21234079
25-Apr St. Publius Floriana 21247106
01-May St. Joseph the Worker B'Kara 21483245
02-May St. Augustine Valletta 21238861
03-May Holy Cross B'Kara 21444725
09-May St. George Preca Swatar 21498757
22-May St. Rita Valletta 21238861
16-May Our Lady of Fatima G'Mangia 21220050
30-May Holy Trinity Marsa 21236622
30-May St. Paul Munxar (Gozo) 21564503
06-Jun The Annunciation Tarxien 21828153
06-Jun St. Joseph Ghaxaq 21892004
06-Jun Corpus Christi Rabat 21454467
06-Jun Corpus Christi Ghasri (Gozo) 21560137
13-Jun St. Philip Zebbug 21460800
13-Jun St. Anthony Ghajnsielem (Gozo)
20-Jun Our Lady of the Lily Mqabba 21649306
20-Jun St. Catherine Zejtun 21694563
20-Jun Sacred Heart of Jesus Fontana (Gozo) 21556097
22-Jun Our Lady of Pinu Ta' Pinu (Gozo)
27-Jun St. Nicholas Siggiewi 21460827
27-Jun St. George Qormi 21492997
27-Jun Sacred Heart of Mary Burmarrad 21573045
27-Jun St. John the Baptist Xewkija (Gozo) 21556793
29-Jun St. Peter and St. Paul Mdina 21456620
29-Jun St. Peter and St. Paul Nadur (Gozo) 21551649
4-Jul St. Paul Rabat 21454594
4-Jul Our Lady of the Sac. Heart Sliema 21313505
4-Jul St. Andrew Luqa 21809310
4-Jul Immaculate Conception Hamrun 21232643
4-Jul Our Lady of Lourdes Qrendi 21649306
4-Jul The Visitation Gharb (Gozo) 21556129
11-Jul Our Lady of Mount Carmel Gzira 21335841
11-Jul St. Joseph Kirkop 21829572
11-Jul Our Lady of Perpetual Help Kercem (Gozo) 21551355
16-Jul Our Lady of Mount Carmel Ta' Hamet (Gozo)
18-Jul St. Joseph Kalkara 21826438
18-Jul St. Joseph Msida 21334949
18-Jul St. Sebestian Qormi 21486350
18-Jul Our Lady of Holy Doctrine Tarxien 21828153
18-Jul St. George Victoria (Gozo) 21556377
25-Jul Our Lady of Mount Carmel Balluta 21344306
25-Jul Christ the King Paola 21695022
25-Jul Our Lady of Sorrows St. Paul's Bay 21573445
25-Jul St. Venera St. Venera 21482851
25-Jul St. Anne Marsascala 21827703
25-Jul St. Joseph Zebbug 21460800
25-Jul Our Lady of Mount Carmel Zurrieq 21642010
25-Jul St. Margaret Sannat (Gozo) 21551435
1-Aug The Annunciation Balzan 21442614
1-Aug St. Peter B'Bugia 21651200
1-Aug Our Lady of Mount Carmel Fgura 21661745
1-Aug Our Lady of Pompei M'Xlokk 21650662
1-Aug St. Domnic Valletta 21234079
1-Aug Our Lady of Lourdes San Gwann 21386112
1-Aug St. Joseph Qala (Gozo) 21556684
6-Aug Trans. of Our Lord Lija 21442553
8-Aug St. Gaetan Hamrun 21238593
8-Aug St. Laurence San Lawrenz (Gozo) 21556073
10-Aug St. Laurence Birgu 21827057
15-Aug The Assm of Our Lady Mqabba 21649306
15-Aug The Assm of Our Lady Qrendi 21649395
15-Aug The Assm of Our Lady Mosta 21433826
15-Aug The Assm of Our Lady Gudja 21696039
15-Aug The Assm of Our Lady Attard 21434949
15-Aug The Assm of Our Lady Ghaxaq 21892004
15-Aug The Assm of Our Lady Victoria (Gozo) 21556087
22-Aug St. Pius X Santa Lucija 21892004
22-Aug St. Helen B'kara 21444725
22-Aug The Assm of Our Lady Mgarr 21572578
22-Aug The Assm of Our Lady Dingli 21454634
22-Aug St. Leonard Kirkop 21829572
22-Aug Our Lady Star of the sea Sliema 21334941
22-Aug Our Lady of Lourdes Paola 21695081
22-Aug The Assm of Our Lady Zebbug (Gozo) 21551145
29-Aug St. Bartolomeo Gharghur 21413488
29-Aug St. Joseph Manikata 21575679
29-Aug Maria Regina Marsa 21238012
29-Aug St. Paul Safi 21649223
29-Aug St. Julian St. Julian's 21380270
29-Aug St. Domnic Vittoriosa 21825198
29-Aug Our Lady of Loreto Ghajnsielem (Gozo) 21553710
5-Sep St. Catherine Zurrieq 21642010
5-Sep St. Gregory Sliema 21330740
5-Sep Our Lady of Mount Carmel Xlendi (Gozo) 21554611
8-Sep The Nativity of Our Lady Naxxar 21435376
8-Sep The Nativity of Our Lady Mellieha 21523449
8-Sep The Nativity of Our Lady Senglea 21827203
8-Sep The Nativity of Our Lady Xaghra (Gozo) 21551042
12-Sep Our Lady of Graces Zabbar 21824383
12-Sep Our Lady of Graces Victoria (Gozo) 21556608
13-Sep St. Francis Qawra 21577088
17-Sep St. Francis Marsa 21236622
26-Sep St. Michael Zabbar 21824383
2-Oct Our Lady of The Rosary Valletta 21234079
3-Oct Our Lady of The Rosary Gudja 21696039
3-Oct Our Lady of The Rosary Tarxien 21828153
8-Oct Our Lady of The Rosary Marsa 21236622
10-Oct Patronage of the B. V. Mary Ghasri (Gozo) 21560137
17-Oct Jesus of Nazareth Xaghra (Gozo) 21551042
31-Oct Our Lady of the Girdle Gudja 21696039
31-Oct Our Lady of The Rosary Sliema 21313505
13-Nov St. John of The Cross Ta' Xbiex 21332280
20-Nov St. Martin Bahrija 21454108
8-Dec Immaculate Conception Cospicua 21828413
8-Dec Immaculate Conception Ibragg 21370196
8-Dec Immaculate Conception S. Francis (Victoria-Gozo) 21556089
8-Dec Immaculate Conception Qala (Gozo) 21556684
12-Dec St. Lucy Santa Lucija (Gozo) 21551355
12-Dec Immaculate Conception Bahrija (Wied Gerzuma) 21454108
13-Dec St. Lucy Mtarfa
Edited by
2010-01-21 11:32:00