Just to give you an idea, regular holidays are a pretty recent thing to us. We've been to Turkey x2, which we loved, but don't fancy it again at the minute as there are too many places in the world to visit, Las Americas, Tenerife, which we did not really enjoy that much as it was very English, and we had a total change last Summer, going all inclusive to Dominican Republic. We enjoyed going All Inclusive for the first time, but there isn't a lot to do during the day in DR, as in you can't just go for a walk. There were trips but they were very pricey.
This year originally I was avoiding all inc, we love going out to eat, trying new places etc but with euro been so dire, I just gave up on that. I then set my heart on Mexico, but it doesn't look like our budget is going to stretch that far. We were looking at a 1k budget pp, and we cannot go until after 16th July, everything we have found today has been way over that. We have never had to go this late in July so the prices were a bit of a shock.
I am now very, very confused as to were to look at next.
We are a young couple, 21, and would like to be with people of our age really. We were looking at Morocco but the thing that put me off with that was I imagine it to be full of older people.
I am just so confused, can anybody suggest anywhere they think would suit us? Anywhere at all?
Soooo stressed!!!
I just want it booked so I can start buying bikini's