How long does a tourist visa now last for, is it 3 or 6 months?
Also when did or does the new ruling come into effect?
GTG, looks like future visas will be for 3 months(no doubt same price) and the 2 month rule is already in effect.
I copied this post from a similar forum so perhaps its best not to risk ignoring this new rule
Re: gap of two months between tourist visas?
Some neighbours of mine arrived on Tuesday from the UK. They told us that at Manchester airport when they checked in there were other Uk tourists coming out for a second holiday ( they had evidently been here before Christmas ) and they were turned away and not allowed to board the plane due to the new 2 month ruling. Apparently the situation in the airport at the check in desk got very stormy! Sorry I know this is not my own direct evidence but I know and trust my neighbours.

Re: gap of two months between tourist visas?
Some neighbours of mine arrived on Tuesday from the UK. They told us that at Manchester airport when they checked in there were other Uk tourists coming out for a second holiday ( they had evidently been here before Christmas ) and they were turned away and not allowed to board the plane due to the new 2 month ruling. Apparently the situation in the airport at the check in desk got very stormy! Sorry I know this is not my own direct evidence but I know and trust my neighbours.
Some neighbours of mine arrived on Tuesday from the UK. They told us that at Manchester airport when they checked in there were other Uk tourists coming out for a second holiday ( they had evidently been here before Christmas ) and they were turned away and not allowed to board the plane due to the new 2 month ruling. Apparently the situation in the airport at the check in desk got very stormy! Sorry I know this is not my own direct evidence but I know and trust my neighbours.
If true that is a sad story.Imagine being all excited and being turned away.None of this is doing Goa any good at all.I now know of several people who are going to Thailand or Cambodia next year.
Looks like quite a few people having problems now that this new legislation has filtered through - I do feel so sorry for the people refused boarding, refused entry (they probably didn't even know about the new rule) or having trouble getting the extra permission stamp. I still think they should have waited until next season before rolling this out, we would all have known in good time then and arranged our holidays accordingly............what a fiasco...........(and dare I say) "again" - always something isn't there
Which sections are blank?
Lozza07...We had NA for Indian Refs 2 months ago....Came back no prob.
Fizzy - You do have a great way of stating the truth, I couldnt agree more with your postings!
I can't help but wonder why the visa situation has changed. What are the advantages for the Indian / Goa Government or indeed the economy. I know they have got themselves into a hole with Non PIO property owners, but, this must surely be an over reaction to that alone? Has the UK changed the status of Indian Nationals entering the UK? Are the same rules being applied to Russian nationals who were able to get a 2 week visa on arrival? I seem to remember some countries (Japan sticks out!!) as recently designated as not requiring a visa..........I don't know....perhaps someone could shed some light on what is a very sorry situation for people who have either bought property in Goa, or rent long term.
I just shake my head at the mindset that can bring in the type of rules that discourage visitors.
Maybe its just me but I do not get it.
Tourists and long term stayers contribute a fortune to the economy why alianate them?
Mine had been opened - then stapled back together - my home address written on the back of my envelope and the contents had a HC info sheet telling me that visa applications had been outsourced since 29th May 2008 wrapped around them - on the back of the sheet was written in pen 'referr(?) to sender'
There was also a Royal Mail sticker on the envelope saying they were unable to deliver this item because - 'addressee unknown' ticked and also 'refused' ticked. Whats that all about? They'd obviously received it for the info sheet to be in the envelope

Not sure whether to go to London or Birmingham now! I'd rather go to Birmingham and the re entry info says London, Birmingham or Glasgow doesnt it?

ps thanks again for you help
djk: How many Japanese do you see in Goa? They won't go because it's to dirty infact India has a reputation amongst the rest of Asia as being a dirty place.
Please let's keep this on track with visa rule posts only. Talk of the cleanliness of the area etc may result in the thread going off topic.
Is everyone still being issued with 6 month tourist visas? Or has it changed to 3 month visas now?
From what I've read, some people have been issued with 3 month visas, others with 6 month ones.
I hope they dont make the 3 month visas the norm from next season. But knowing the Indian government nothing would surprise me!!!!
well I at least hope they bother to tell us before we send off for one!
This visa thing is ridiculous - it seems they don't want tourism! I booked my flight last summer but feel this will be my last trip to Goa. My friend went for his visa last week only to be told he's got to wait a month before he can apply for another one as it ran out the day before, he's now going to Thailand and Vietnam! I've found nicer, cleaner etc etc places now, but I'm not saying where!
I've found nicer, cleaner etc etc places now, but I'm not saying where!
Come on Candy tell me where... PM me if you want to divulge.
Gemma33 wrote:Is everyone still being issued with 6 month tourist visas? Or has it changed to 3 month visas now?
Hmm, I wanted to know this, because I've read conflicting 'stories'. So, I asked VFS about the 3 month thing - and got the following reply on 2nd Feb.
Thank you for your query,
We have not received any such information from the High Commission; you may apply for the 6 month or 1 Year (maximum stay 180days per visit) however please note that granting of visa and visa duration remains solely at the discretion of the High Commission of India.
I suppose the only way I'll find out is when I apply

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