General Holiday Enquiries, Hints and Tips

General Holiday Enquiries? Got General Hints & Tips? Post Them Here.
21 Posts
I thought it might be interesting to hear people's stories concerning this. I haven't got one (yet). Anyone want to contribute? :gluck
Well I had my internal flight cancelled yesterday and just had a seven hour train journey to get back home. Trouble is I fly twice a week so may be facing this again on Monday (perhaps maybe who knows). If problems with the ash persist I may well give up on the contract. Glad I've already had my hols this year, have a colleague whos in Australia due back this weekend, hes been told he can't get a flight back for nearly two weeks. I wouldn't want to be booking a holiday over the next few months with the uncertainty of whether flights will be going or not.
well i have just booked for ryanair/alpharooms for costa brava for next month for our "boys" trip away as i got a great price.
i can only hope that all is ok by then.

the downside is that i am due to go to lloret on thursday to see GF and her family, again with ryanair, and my boss has arranged cover for me; this means putting someone up in a london hotel while i'm if my holiday is cancelled it affects more than just me, and if i do get there and get delayed coming back, then further cover(expense) is needed.
i obviously don't want to take time off work if i am not going away, so that messes things up further.
GF is going back to bulgaria at end of next week so cancelling means i don't get to see her until i can get another flight to sofia at a decent price :cry
all in all it is a complete pain in the ....

i can sympathise with those with children caught up in this, as the extra expense -even if the insurance does pay out you still normally have to fork out the money first - could cause them real problems.

so i suppose all i can do is keep watching the news, looking at the web and saying my prayers
With the authorities now saying that things are deteriorating, ny son's starting to wonder whether he'll get off the ground next month.

If the volcano continues to be active into next week, they're predicting disruptions for weeks. My son's one of a wedding party flying out to Mexico from Bristol 5 weeks today. I know, anything can happen between now and then but it must be an awful worry for the bride and groom.

We were supposed to fly to Palma for an Easyjet holiday last thursday, then friday, then sat, now tomorrow - not holding my breath. At least it's just hubby & I. Looking to change booking to next month now if possible, just waiting for Easyjet to cancel tomorrows flight before I can do anything!

Looks like we'll both be going to work next week.. :(

We are due to fly on 26th May to Cuba from Gatwick and are monitoring things too. Lets hope that either the volcano stops erupting or the wind changes direct to blow the nasty stuff back from where it came.

Mark :)
we have about 16 days before we are due to go..... all fingers crossed
We're due to fly Manchester/ Montego Bay 2nd May, not too concerned at present but the longer this goes on the more worried i will be.
Had bought train tickets to travel to my Mum's funeral on sunday (for monday morning) - purchased with Fam railcard . Kids still stuck in Egypt so will have to go on my own rather than none of us make it.

Just spent an AGE on phone to virgin trains who say that I will have to purchase new train tickets for myself as those I have paid for will be invalid without the children physically on the train so a double loss. Not even sure I can get original ones refunded. Virgin Cust services seriously unhelpful
I'm supposed to be flying to Portugal on Wednesday, I'm not holding out much hope for the flight to take place. The worst thing is it took months of nagging for OH to agree to go on holiday with me as he hates flying/airports/holidays in general so I might as well not have bothered. We live in Germany and last week he was getting worried because german air traffic controllers were threatening a strike this coming week, now this. I guess I'll be back to taking solo holidays again. :cry
TAH-M I would write to Richard Branson to complain. I realise he's only out to make a profit but yours are really extenuating circumstances.
Somewhere on the other ash thread it was reported that Virgin Airlines had managed to get a diverted flight into Glasgow and then bussed everyone down to London - even though Virgin run the trains from Glasgow to London and that would have saved about 3 or 4 hours. I wouldn't bother with Branson, he lost interest in trains ages ago.
We were supposed to fly to the US this morning to cruise on Celebrity Mercury. Hubby is gutted as it was a cruise through the Panama canal, something he has always wanted to do. Still we are safe at home and not stuck in an airport with no hope of going anywhere.
I got stranded at home! Still at least my fellow travellers can return to work and school as planned tomorrow.
my other half is stranded in America, he was due home last Thursday and has been told May 5th. With todays developments he was over the moon when Virgin phoned......if airports open tomorrow he is on May 1st flight home.....not great but slowly getting better :(
Is it too early for volcanic ash jokes?
Or should we wait for the dust to settle? ;)
Might take my kayak with me when we go. Then "I can paddle my own canoe" All the way home. If I take all four then I can make a few quid operating my own ferry service.

Is it too early for volcanic ash jokes?
Or should we wait for the dust to settle?


No - wait for it all to blow over a bit .............................................!!!!

My mate was in the cold store and got hit on the head by a box of beefburgers and bag of peas - must be fallout from Iceland!
We are due to go to Majorca on Thursday, so I am constantly looking at information and maps on-line to see what is happening with the Ash cloud.
I keep on watching and checking at the moment as my daughter, son-in-law and grandson is out in Majorca at the moment and are due to fly back this coming Tuesday.

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