hi, 3 people booked a holiday, 1 girl dropped out who was the lead name on the booking 1 month before after paying the full amount of 800 pounds, 2 weeks before the holiday the holiday was bought for 350 pounds and the lead name changed to the new girrls details.
now because of the volcano the holiday is cancelled and another destination is chosen 2 weeks later than the original date, but when the money is refunded it went into the first girls account and that girl is only willing to provide 350 pounds to the girl that took her place so the hoiday effectively wasnt bought outright, only a discount of the original ticket, i would have thought that the new lead name should get the holiday money in full if it was bought and details changed?
im sorry its a bit of a mouthful but im not good at explaining things ;/

The money will have been refunded to the account it came from?
I think I'm understanding this the same as you Fiona i.e. the new girl bought the holiday for £350 but seems to want the £800 back which the original girl paid
I think lawfully any money paid has to be refunded the way it was paid. If the original girl paid on her debit card then it would have to be refunded to that debit card.
shirley h and Fiona are. If that is the case I would have thought £350 back (the cost her paid in the first place) is fair and reasonable.
I'm interpreting this as I think
Me too!!! the girl who only paid £350 can't really expect to get £800 back,she would have got a very cheap holiday at the other girls expense,but,as the holiday didn't go ahead I think its fair that she gets back what she paid.
They have changed the date of their holiday (all be it via a refund and a new booking) the girl who paid £350 paid it for the original holiday. The girl who didn't want to go accepted the £350 for the holiday!
Now the money has been paid back from thew TO, everyones looking to book again only one of them now only has £350 to book with!
So basically she bought an £800 holiday for £350!
The original girl would have lost out by just cancelling so was probably quite happy that someone was willing to pay £350 for it!
Now the money has been returned to the original girls bank account she expects to keep the remainder from the £350! Which does seem a bit unfair!
But she might see it as if she hadn't decided to cancel the holiday she would have got ALL the money back anyway but how is anyone supposed to think that this weeks ash would happen?
It's a tough one.
What I don't understand is why the money went into the first girls account when a lead name was changed? This first girl now has nothing at all to do with the holiday!
Surely it would have been refunded the same way that it was paid,if by debit or credit card it would go back the same way,the TO would not have the second girls account details.
If I buy something in a sale at less than 50% of the original cost but for some reason have to return it eg it's faulty, than I only get back what I paid for it - not what it would have cost at pre-sale prices. I don't think that this situaion is that different. And if I buy something from a friend for half what she paid for it because eg is is the wrong size and I then return it to the shop and do then get the full price repaid for it - I personally would feel morally obliged to offer her the difference between what I actually paid her and what the shop has refunded me. I can see no reason why I should profit from her original misfortune is buying the wrong size!
Some further thoughts, if Girl A pulled out for reasons that meant that she was recompensed for her loss on the holiday by her holiday insurance then it wouldn't be fair that she makes a profit on this either and perhaps they should split the 'profit' between them?
I don't know, maybe I would want the money!
Just seems to me though that girl B was maybe doing her a favour in the first place as £350 is better than nothing!
Maybe girl B couldn't afford £800 and was talked into going at £350! So now she's got her money back yes but maybe can't afford the new price of the new holiday!
Also doesn't it cost to do a name change? Who's stumped up for that?
Chivas69 does raise a very valid point on the insurance aspect. Did girl A make a claim? If she did then she is guilty of a criminal act.
Not a great deal of information for us to go on here so all we are really doing is speculating.
The girl paying £350 now has the £350 back. It's now a new holiday and maybe she should pay the same as everyone else! If it's too much then the others have (had) a chance to rebook without her!
If there was a name change charge maybe the one who pulled out should pay that back out of her £800! Unless the TO gave that back too!
More info is needed!
I agree with the above, why should the second girl be entitled to the £800. If the first girl gives her the £350 then everyone is back to equals and surely that is the fairest way?
SMa's post makes a lot of sence to me, girl B was lucky to get such a cheap holiday but girl A would never have known that the holiday would be cancelled and she would get her money back, in my opinion she acted corectly
But now I think I agree that it seems girls A has acted correctly in that she refunded what girl B paid for her holiday. Why should girl B receive £800 when she only paid £350? It's not girl A's fault she doesn't have the money to pay for a new holiday, and she shouldn't be expected to pay girl B the full amount when it isn't what girl B paid for the holiday in the first instance!
well I guess we'll never know as davey seems to have disapeared!

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