the time when the only way you could book a holiday was by going to a travel agent?
ordering drachmas
the smoking section on the plane
eating and drinking very cheaply
writing postcards that never arrived at their destination until you had been home a week?
infact do you remember postcards?
having no idea what was happening in the news as there were no tvs in rooms and any English papers were 3 days old?
no football in bars?(bliss!!)
having to find a phonebox and waiting in a long queue with other holidaymakers?
the only entertainment in your hotel was a man on a piano singing Y Viva Espana or Knock Three Times?
having to get all your photos developed at the end of the holiday-even the useless ones?
Looking out on farmland- in the middle of Benidorm
booking a right dump because the only info you had was in a brochure?
Those were the days