Have you ever been a victim of the dreaded holiday stalkers?? You know the people who just keep turning up at the same time same place on hols as you and want to know the ins and outs of a monkeys **** and the details of your life and tell you there's etc etc etc..???
We once spoke to lovely couple from Hampshire who summed i t up as "You can be anyone or thing you like on holiday"
Wise words indeed.
The worst we have ever witnessed was in the Dominican republic about 4 years ago when a couple from Liverpool got so hounded by a couple from London that the husband of the scouse couple would do a quick sweep of the hotel bar before his wife would come in and have a drink!
Funny To watch but not so funny if your the target!
Don't get me wrong we all like to have a drink and pass the time of day, have a chat etc etc
But!! some seem to take it to extremes lol
MilleMiglia wrote:The worst we have ever witnessed was in the Dominican republic about 4 years ago when a couple from Liverpool got so hounded by a couple from London that the husband of the scouse couple would do a quick sweep of the hotel bar before his wife would come in and have a drink!
Dont know who I feel sorry for; the stalkers or the stalked

Maybe he was just doing a sweep to see if his wife was around so he could have a quick shandy in peace?
this has happened to us and for the first one or two nights of seeing the same people in the bar and them approaching us , any one sitting here , these seats taken kind of thing , we put up with it for about an hour and then just finish our drinks and say "enjoy your evening and move on to a different bar .
They tagged along behind us again in the boarding queue and Helen and I were getting a little aggitated as we neared the gate. We were worried that the couple would be refused boarding and that they'd think we were part of their party and be refused too.

One evening as we were leaving our apartments, who should be coming up the path outside- yes, you've guessed! They said they were coming to see where we were staying! Don't think we'll tell people we're not sure of, where we're staying again.
pargaluvva wrote:MilleMiglia wrote:The worst we have ever witnessed was in the Dominican republic about 4 years ago when a couple from Liverpool got so hounded by a couple from London that the husband of the scouse couple would do a quick sweep of the hotel bar before his wife would come in and have a drink!
Dont know who I feel sorry for; the stalkers or the stalked. Find it quite ridiculous that someone would go to those lengths (I mean a quick sweep of the hotel before his wife would come in and have a drink). Some people really ought to get out more.
Stalker Alert!!???
There was a Russian guy in Hurghada staying at the same hotel as us. All week he'd been with other Russian's and they were the loudest/noisiest people I've ever ever heard! This guy was actually holidaying on his own, but had latched on to other Russian's. One night the rest had gone home, and he was at the bar by himself. Hubby and I had met a few English people and we were having a laugh and a few drinks around the bar, when this Russian came over and said "could we keep it down, as we were really noisy but he could understand it as we were English" . We couldn't believe it, he got hubby's back up straight away and hubby told him that there was nobody louder than " you Russians" for the rest of the holiday the guy followed us around. He was like a bad smell and was really annoying. Arrogant as too, he used to speak to the bar men like dirt and we really didn't want to be associated with him!
pargaluvva wrote:MilleMiglia wrote:Stalker Alert!!???
Don't flatter yourself; please!
LOL @ You..............

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