Just returned from Turkey AI 4* (official 5*) with First Choice. For 4 days the hotel was crammed full of Turkish students aged 18-21, numbers ranging from 400-600 over the 4 days. It was a nightmare. Phones ringing in the middle of the night, knocking on doors throughout the night, complete mayhem. This was not mentioned on the web site when we booked. One day they were all by the main pool, drinking all day and you just couldn't get anywhere near the area. Luckily there was another pool. Also the music the animation team was playing by the pool was really loud Turkish bump, bump type music and our room felt as if it was literally vibrating. The next day and half of the day after that it poured down so they were all indoors. It seemed that no provision had been made to entertain them (or us) so everywhere was packed, you had to queue for ages for food and couldn't even get to the bar to get a drink.We complained officially to our rep and have been told to write to First Choice. Can you advise what we need to say?
Added to this, for a 4-5 star hotel the food was awful. We complained to the Guest Relations Manager about this, and about loud music from the disco each night, but nothing was done. There was no food labelling and very cheap food, even soup, broccoli, spinach, rice on the BREAKFAST buffet, it seems left-overs from the previous night. Also you had to get a bus or taxi into the main resort as, although the website states it's 7km away, it doesn't say you just can't walk it as it's too hilly and mostly no footpath. Website also states 5 a la carte restaurants but there are only 2.
With regards to the other complaints you can write to them, however, it will depend very much on whether they have had other complaints and what the customer service questionnaire scores tell them. Food is subjective and whilst you may not think it is suitable, unless you have been made ill by it then there is very little they will do about it.
In terms of representation in the brochures, they have not said that you can't walk to the town but by the same rule they haven't said that you can and again I'm guessing they will argue this is subjective, without knowing the hotel details I can't offer anymore advice on this one..
Know this won't be what you wanted to hear but wanted to be honest.
Can you advise what we need to say?
Keep it brief, factual and focussed on what could be regarded as a breach of contract on the part of First Choice. For example:
1) Was the hotel advertised as being for the exclusive use of First Choice guests and/or UK visitors? If it wasn't you have no grounds for a complaint based on the nationaility of other guests. Nor that the animation team around the pool geared up their music choices to suit the majority of their guests tastes.
2) Was the hotel advertised as being suitable for families or those couples looking for a quiet relaxing holiday? If it was then you might have good grounds for complaining but if it was described as being ideal for the young at heart looking for a lively fun-filled holiday with an onsite disco, then I think that you have no grounds for complaining as it sounds like that is exactly what was on offer.
3) How many rooms was the hotel advertised as having? If it was 300 rooms (or less but making it clear that that rooms could accommodate up to 3 people) then the fact that it was full is no grounds for complaint. On the other hand if it had less than 200 rooms and it was clear that the staff were turning a blind eye to blatant and illicit overcrowding in the rooms then that would be grounds for complaint. But how likely is this in an AI hotel where they'd all have to have been checked in in order to get their AI bands?
4) Your complaint seems to centre on the other guests who were at the hotel for 4 days - was this out of a 7 day or 14 day holiday? It could make a difference to what % of the overall holiday cost First Choice might be prepared to consider refunding.
4) Was the availability of indoor daytime entertainment advertised the brochure? I would expect very few hotels to be able to cope with putting on a programme of indoor entertainment in the event of bad weather unless this was a regular feature of what was provided by the animation team.
5) Food is literally a matter of taste and you would need to specify why it was awful. Vegetables at breakfast time is not what most British people eat but other nationalities do. I was surprised to discover Brussel sprouts on the breakfast buffet in Cuba last year and I know that they weren't leftovers from the previous night because if they'd been on offer then I'd have had them with my dinner! And rice was on offer at every meal service inlcuding breakfast - it's a Cuban staple. Odd compared to what I'm used to but not awful - it fresh cooked and edible but just not to my taste. You would need to prove that the food on offer was very limited and that there was little choice to get very far with a complaint unless it did make you ill. In which case your complaint is that it gave you food poisoning and what it was is irrelevant to your complaint.
6) When you complained to the Rep what did you want them to do? Asking for the music to be stopped early in the disco or not played around the pool could be regarded as unreasonable, especially if the majority of guests liked it - asking to be moved to a quieter room away from the pool and disco would have been very reasonable. Or did you ask to be moved to another quieter hotel? And if you did what was the rep's response?
7) 7 Kilometers is close to 4 1/2 miles - a 90 minute stroll in each direction for most people and longer than most people would want to walk in order to get to and from the main resort. I think that the TO is likely to say that by indicating that the main resort was more than 4 miles away that they were clearly signalling that it wasn't an easy/short walk between the two.
8 ) And most importantly of all, did you fill in an offical complaint form at the time and do you have a copy of it? In order to get very far with a restrospective compaint on your return you need to be able to prove that you complained and gave them an opprtunity to remedy the situation for you at the time.
9) And finally want do you now want First Choice to do - make note of your complaint and amend their information so that future visitors are better prepared? Offer you a partial refund for the 4 nights that prevented you enjoying your holiday? A bigger refund and/or compensation for breach of contract?
PS Not sure what I did wrong for that 'cool' emoticon to appear - I thought that I typed 8 with a bracket!
Have rectified it for you Sma, unfortunately you need to put a space after the 8 as it's also the smilie code.
I think they would expect most people to just take 7km as too far and not need further details - I know I wouldn't be asking, that's well over an hour!although the website states it's 7km away, it doesn't say you just can't walk it
SMa - I think your post is really good and hopefully the OP will find it helpful too
I just hope that the OP comes back on and tells us what they are going to do and what the outcome is as i hate it when first time posters come on moaning about some trivial things and then you never hear again but i do think that given the complaints and the response given so far, it has basically answered the question, no matter how much complaining, unless you have absolute proof, nothing will really be done about it and need to put it down to bad experience.
One of the reasons why i avoid all inclusives due to the amount of people, much prefer a smaller hotel, nice rooms and unfortunately there are not many good decent AI about like this.
I'll probably do nothing and just put it down to experience.
Have been AI before at 3 Riu hotels which we all excellent.
Thanks anyway.
I went AI to Jamaica at a Riu and the hotel was huge and lots of people. But as so huge if you didn't like sitting near the people near you, you had the option of moving.
Sounds like the holiday from hell. Don't think there is much you can do about it though.

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