By the time I go in October the check in staff at Newcastle will be sick of the sight of spuds.

There are notices all over the airports these days warning passengers not to verbally abuse staff.
no, they would have you arrested for behaviour likley to cause a breach of the peace before it got to that, somewhere around Sect 5 of the Public Order Act last time I used it.Would the airlines really risk a riot
they would have you arrested for behaviour likley to cause a breach of the peace before it got to that, somewhere around Sect 5 of the Public Order Act last time I used it.
Steve 8482 your use of the legal jargon makes you sound like a jobsworth PCSO. Complaining may have been an arrestable offence in Soviet Russia pre 1990, we in Britain value our freedom of speech and heaven help you if you ever arrested me for standing up for my rights in the way that I have described.
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