Lavera After Sun Lotion is recommended for Eczema sufferers.
Hope this helps.
Maybe pure aloe vera gel would be a good idea ? you can buy it in Holland and Barrett
I have a little bit of excema and find avon works a treat
All depends on what makes his ezcema flare up. My daughter cannot have anything with parfum in. Palmers cocoa fragrence free is fine on her skin and does the same job or as a previous poster aloe vera. Nels
Took the grandaughter a couple of year ago and her's broke out all over it was a right mess nothing was clearing it up, then got talking to a lady at the pool and she said her son use's the dove cream in the tub she very kindly let us have a spare tub she had and within 2 day's she was completly clear so we now use nothing else keep's her skin so soft and excema free, have told other's and it has worked also for them.
I suffer from eczema and on occasions - especially when the humidity is really high - suffer badly (this last couple of weeks at home my eczema has been awful). For the last few years, I have used Avon aftersun. Find it really good as a moisturiser too. Definately recommend a patch test first, but ive never had any problems with it. All of the Avon sun care range is brilliant (im not an Avon rep by the way). Good luck, I know how awful it is to find products that dont aggravate the condition

its not an aftersun, but doublebase is really good, and keep it in the fridge, one of my girls suffers with excema and i use on all of mine on hols. Its like a gel cream =) so cools nicely
To be honest, all aftersun does is rehydrate and moisturise the skin - so for eczema sufferers, it's better if they just carry on using their normal moisturising body lotion (I particularly like Aveeno). If the skin gets a wee bit burnt or tender, try using aloe vera gel which you can get from the health shop (it's 99% pure aloe vera gel).
Aveeno's cream is the only product that has helped my eczema, so I'd second Jakki's opinion.

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