daveyjp wrote:
Call me a cynic but this looks like an ad through the back door to me.
A normal booster seat will go in a carry on bag so no need to pay for it to go in the hold - available from £8.50.
We have to take 2 - one will be a standard Britax one which is too large to take as hand luggage so am having to take it with our hold luggage.
tisonlymoi wrote:
Sorry, wasn't saying it to put you off, just that as a trained car seat fitter I'd be interested to see the crash test results as it doesn't look all that substantial. But this is me who has Isofix high-back boosters for my 8 year old twins becos' I've got a 'thing' about car seat safety, so perhaps not the best person to comment :)
Tis - don't be sorry - if I thought the boosters supplies by the hire company would be decent ones I would gladly pay for them but past experience has shown me that they're not.
It's arrived and it seems ok - I've tried it out on my 9 year old and it seems ok for him but definately wouldn't use it for my younger child as it wouldn't sit her high enough.