How many people were ill in your e-mail, Scotty?
I personally messaged Carl through Facebook on the 23rd of July regarding my illness on my return. He gave me a number to call FC and report it, I duly did.
Make of that what you will!
I could give a guesstimate but only FC know how many were reported.
Medical Attention
When the outbreak first became apparent, at least 5 proper ambulances turned up, most took away more than 1 person but this could easily be explained with families/young kids.
The next day there was about 3 ambulances, but there was also a couple of cars with about 3 nurses each. I don't know how many people they attended and if they went alone or together.
Fallen Ill
over 36 hours the majority of people fell ill, on the first night, a fellow holiday maker from North Lanarkshire was quoted to by an FC rep that 40 people had fell ill, this was also the same number quoted as going to hospital, I don't know which is correct. Of the people I met whilst over there (and made some good friends) I'd say a third were affected by the bug. Bearing in mind I was in the deluxe/relax side it would make sense that I met more of those that were affected, I wouldn't suggest a third of the whole complex fell ill.
By the monday, I'd suggest almost half had now been ill in one way or an other. The big question mark is those that fell ill on there return, like myself. I tried to report it back to HV Rhodes purely to keep figures correct (as I keep repeating) but nobody really wanted to know, I reported it back here but again I got the impression nobody wanted to know.
I'm now in the process of writing to FC detailing my personal experience and would like a concise answer as to what happened out there, if they do not know, and give me that in wrting, then I'd suggest they close that place down until they do know, but I've suspected for a while now they do know, but to admit it would create an avalanche of compo requests, something I'm not inclined to do (I'm not an idealist, I just know that in the long run, FC won't be out of pocket, just those that book package holidays!).
So you'd reckon more than EIGHT sought medical assistance, John? That's the figure i've just received from
See my post posted earlier today, Carl is personally a nice guy and can't do enough for you but I think in this case his hands are tied and is being economical with the truth.
We live on Rhodes not far from the Holiday Village.In february, Both on here & Trip Advisor I advised that this new complex was not ready to open on 8th May.By that time in May there was still too much work left to finish.Even on this point First Choice were less than truthful.
Lies, lies & more lies.
So the first people to arrive, had lots of problems
First Choice need to be brought to account.
Had no choice could not afford to walk away and book another holiday without a refund, which was not forth coming , could not change our booking too late and FC would not agree to it because nothing in wrong out there now.
So I hope you all wish me luck as I do to others that are following on in a couple of days. I have rooms booked on the activity side so lets hope that is not the next area to be attacked.
I will post a report on my return if I'm in one piece. LOL
Best of luck Beanies, wishing you a good holiday and a safe time away

We were originally scheduled to go in September but my wife's work decided we had to change to 4th August owing to some deadlines she has to meet. We rebooked and were glad to see that the only availability was in the Deluxe rooms.
Then, late last night I pop into this thread expecting to see it filled with comments about how great the hotel is looking and performing and, sadly, this is clearly not the case.
I am not too fussed about the bug affecting my wife and I but I am more concerned about our daughter who is 2 years old and therefore very succeptible to bugs and germs.
I am more inclined to just go on holiday and see how we get on BUT I am now really not sure I want to put her health at risk! Similarly I don't want to just throw away £4500.
Anyone got any advice?
You are in the same position as my family. We are due to depart on 14th August. First Choice have sent me a long email about this being an isolated incident, no further reported cases, but they still haven't foud out what caused the problem.
We too are unsure what to think. Our daughter has health issues that make her more susceptible to illnesses.
First choice are clear that the problem is contained and all booking conditions stand.
This seems so at odd with everything else you read.
You will know more this week as more holiday makers will be home and posting on Thursday and Sunday.
So All I can say is go & have a great holiday in Rhodes.
Even if you only use buses , try to see something beyond the HV.
Basically they offered no assistance
I left stating that my wife and I are one issue and if we are ill we will deal with it - but I assured them that if my daughter is ill or our holiday experience is affected in the slightest way then I will be looking to be recompensed.
I guess we'll just have to watch this space
Do not let them fob you off with a couple of hundred. I'd at least contact the law firm advertising a 'no win no fee' representation and guaranteeing you 250 pounds regardless if they take your case. They aren't doing that because they expect to make a lot of 3 or 500 pound claims!
First Choice cannot admit there is a problem, that would be admitting liability. They are not taking the correct moral steps they are taking the correct business/legal steps. That will not change. There are currently around 10 million pounds in suits against them from last year's Turkey fiasco.
When will you people learn not to book AI holidays? Do a little Googling and you will find that cases like this occur EVERY YEAR at AI resorts.
I think we have to go accepting at this stage what FC are saying, ie that it is an isolated incident. This is what i have been told by the resort and what my wife was told by our travel agent today.
We will go hoping to have a great time, but armed with lots of hand gel, immodium, diaoralyte and a bottle on dettox in case.
May you have a 'run' free holiday!
Rodosron - fair point, but we have done all inclusive in Europe, the carribean and the indian ocean in the past. Perhaps we have been lucky until now.
With any holiday abroad, "you pays your money, you takes your chance" and I think you just as likely to pick up a bug self catering or even camping as you are AI. I saw a load of photos on facebook yesterday of the HV Rhodes (all 400+ of them) and the place looks fantastic. It's apparently 40+ degrees, entertainment looks brilliant and just have to put our faith in the hands of FC. I know some other people who are due to travel in the next few days have sought confirmation from the FC Legal Team (via email) that they have been their approval to travel. I'm not sure there's another alternative - other than wave goodbye to your money.
Thousands get ill every year from non AI resorts and restaurants also.
It does seem to have died down a bit .
You will know more this week as more holiday makers will be home and posting on Thursday and Sunday.
oops! Don't read the latest reviews on tripadvisor!

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