the good points are: great food, lovely people, great weather most of the year, area is very unspoilt,turtles still nest on the beaches,no class system,( we even got to meet the president,)having friends who can get anything sorted for us, its a little like the wild west anything goes the pharmacy does the gp's role so no waiting for an appointment, minimal drug abuse and crime, all in all a very nice lifestyle.
down sides: goverment has no respect for expats, lots of rip off merchants, health sytem you pay for,decent schooling is paid for( our kids are grown up) animal cruelty, whinging brits (sorry but they can drive you made) my attitude is if you are that unhappy go home! lots of paper and redtape. turkish is pretty hard to learn.
the worst part of living here is because of the political situation we are made to fly to turkey sit on the plane on the runway for 1 hr then we can depart. this makes a one way trip to the uk 6 hrs. when it should only take about 4. goverments around the world complain about enviroment issues but they still make us do this because they refuse to recognise the trnc since the war here in the 1970's.
ther is no reason we couldn't drive to south cyprus and fly from there but by the time we do the drive the journey still ends up as long.
we have been here for 5 years and wouldn't go back to the uk. there is a price so to speak of being and expat here but we feel its worth it. we are the only brits in the village so its been hard but now we are like family. there will always be the politics in cyprus but you just have to rise above that. we didn't rush into buying here unlike some, we purchased legal land and don't have any worries. we run a small business here and it gets us by.
what i miss about the uk is: the smell of cut grass, chinese food,thats all!