Edited by
Glynis HT Admin
2010-12-08 20:13:10
edit to change title
But it does appear that there are questions being asked elsewhere about chrbooking and they do suggest a similar feeling to you!
what company did i gety wrong ? i booked with visions hotels . the web page for them is chrbookinh .com ,and eyza turism removed my money from my account.
There are at least two companies called Vision Hotels. One runs traditional hotels in Cornwall, Windermere and London. The other has a modern hotel in Abu Dhabi. I don't think either are linked to this and having a thread name worded wrongly may cause trouble or at least confusion.
The real culprit site here is http://www.chrbooking.com - any chance a Mod can alter the thread name because I get the feeling we're going to hear more about this lot!
Eyza Turism doesn't crop up anywhere else on the web but looks Turkish. A web domain name of hotelsvision.net has been registered (but doesn't do anything). It's registered to a web hosting service in Istanbul!!
As for your loss, assuming that Eyza wasn't mentioned at any point when you gave your card details (it isn't mentioned on the site) this should be a simple claim against the card company. Get it registered immediately and make sure you tell them that it's an illegal transaction and not a claim for faulty goods etc. in a genuine contract.
guess what I've now found - http://www.eysabooking.com - will look familiar to anyone who has seen the chrbooking.com site! As will the PO Box number it's registered to. Card transactions for this were going to Eyza Turizm and never being seen again.
this is turning into another saga like Decode Car Hire!
it's in Turkish but does the page layout ring any bells? http://www.tatilhit.com registered to EYSA TURIZM in Istanbul - and this time with a name, Eyup Coskun which leads to http://www.google.com/profiles/100158697129734638236
thanks for tip about illegal transaction .i will have a word with my bank . i have e-mailed visionhotels but with no reply . . i also e-mailed etap hotels ,who advertise on that site . not heard from them eitherv

Just because Etaps name is mentioned I wouldn't assume they know anything about it, I took the wording from the descriptions of some hotels and put them in Google - lo and behold they appeared on other sites word for word. I'm guessing they are all reading an international distribution system something like SABRE, the big questions are - which and do they have permission?
Booking went smooth, money charged to my card and voucher printable a few minutes later- in the name of Hotels vision...
A few days before my arrival I received a mail telling me that my booking was cancelled due to "charge back request"- contacting the agency I asked for an explanation as the amount was charged to my card- I received a silly mail in poor english- alarm bells rung!!!
checking my bank- the amount was charged in Turkish Lira in Izmir Turkey
Calling the hotel I was told that the agency did not exist
calling the number provided under "about us" section on chrbooking website- a UK number but american operator telling me that number does not exist
Question is- does anyone know how to spread the word about this agency?? Just dont want others to loose their money like I did...

You shouldn't lose any money if it was a UK issued card, go to your card issuer and make a complaint - and like I said before, make sure they understand that this isn't just an argument of quality etc. but a complaint of Fr*ud. (the auto censor won't let me use the full word!)
As to the answer to your question, I'm afraid your first sentence demonstrates the problem. It's difficult to warn people because so many only look AFTER it's gone wrong. As well as us Tripadvisor have a thread running on this crowd, all people have do to is Google the website name and it will give both threads.

I have turkish friends in travel business and they will also have a look at the matter, so we can get turkish police to have a look at them...might not stop them but at least let them know that we dont accept this kind of behavior...
the thread is a bit new so maybe it wasn't here when you checked. I've got a vague memory that we've had a similar Turkish based operation before, I'll try do a bit of searching and see if I can pull the detils. The problem is teh work Turkley does tend to get a lot of hits on a holiday site!

Anyway, the little grey cells still work and I've found this http://www.holidaytruths.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=49&t=138039 from a year ago. bookinhotels.com was registered to someone called Alper Ozar from Istanbul and he had about 14 similar sites. The site and it's server don't appear to be active anymore but the domain name is still registered. A person with the same name now sits on the general assembly of the ÖZBÃâ€ΕΎÃ‚° which seems to be the trade body for some of Turkeys most up market hotels - let's hope it's a coincedence!
going back to Eysa, one of his sites uses the brand name BoBooking - any name with a random few letters followed by booking should be treated carefully. There is also an allegation that he controls hotelcollect.com - I've not proved that but it is registered to the same dodgy P.O. Box in Washington state.
I just booked with chrbooking in Dec. 2010 and they took my credit card payment and I have not been able to contact them and there is no confirmation of booking at the resort I paid for. Do you have any idea how to get my money back?
First the money has to be taken. Sounds obvious but until the transaction appears on your card statement there is nothing to refund. May be worth speaking to the card company about it now but unlikely they would leap into action and block any transaction in the pipeline.
Second, even with many genuine booking agencies your name might not appear in the hotel reservation system until very close to your arrival - until then the agency may just hold a block of rooms. So not being on their list doesn't prove that they haven't reserved you.
So, what date was the room supposed to be for?
Assuming you used a UK issued card getting your money back shouldn't be too difficult but may take a few weeks. You'd need to prove what had happened, get the hotel to confirm you weren't reserved and that they don't use chrbooking as agents, an email should do to start with. Then print off what we've found out about them on this thread. Get a claim form from the card company and send it back with this proof. They tend to stall if it's an argument about quality or what was agreed etc. (eg you had the holiday but the room wasn't what you thought you'd booked) but once they see evidence of fruad they are usually OK. Make sure you press that side of the argument straight away.
contacted my bank and had money refunded from eysa turizm
dunagane wrote:contacted my bank and had money refunded from eysa turizm
That's good to hear.
Steve some excellent detective work there mate.
Let's hope everyone dealing with this compnay has a satisfactory outcome.

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