My mum is single - her partner died a few years ago.
All her friends are in couples so it is not likely that she'll get to go away with any of them.
Last year, we went to Turkey for two week and she came with us. This year, we are going to Turkey again in May and she is coming with us again. We have also previously taken my father on holiday (they are divorced) - but he now has a partner so we don't have to worry about that so much. That said, my husband is, understandably, getting a bit cheesed off with having to go on holiday with his MIL.
My mum is quite easy going and laid back and she pays her share - if not more than her share - of the restaurant bills etc. Last year she offered to stay in the villa one night so we could go out for dinner on our own but I couldn't let her - I would've felt too guilty. So although it is a nice break away, we do feel responsible for her all the time.
She is only 59 so it's not like she's elderly or anything!
This year we have booked a break to Goa in Feb on our own, and then Turkey with Mum in May. This was really for two reason - 1) We wanted to try somewhere new and 2) We wanted a holiday as a couple! We are both 36, we have been married for four years and in that time have only had one holiday as a couple - we even shared our honeymoon with family and friends as we married abroad.
However, we are starting to think about 2012 holidays now and ideally, we will only go away once and if possible without my mum (I feel bad for saying that). I know as soon as we mention holidays she will ask to come with us.
If we don't let her, she either won't get a holiday or will have to go away on her own.
What would you do? Are there any decent singles holidays for single female travellers that aren't either full of sleezy men, or full of doddery old pensioners? Perhaps having some ideas to give her may help me feel less guilty!
See, SAGA makes me think of bus loads of pensioners. My mum is very young, she doesn't do typical pension things. Am I a bit out of date with my thinking?
my mom goes on her own at times and she uses saga shes a very young 65 year old,she has met some lovily people too ask her to take a look at what they have on offer
Many single people use SAGA who specialise in holidays for people over 50.(I've just noticed Wizard and madmadge have recommended them) I read the SAGA website and people always always give good reviews on the holidays. I have taken a couple of their tours and though I'm not single I often travel alone and I've been satisfied with their product.
I'm sure there are more companies that specialise in holidays for single people, just can't think of any at the moment. But your mother would be perfectly safe to book through either of these companies and having to put up with unwanted attention from sleezy men would be very rare.
Edited by
2011-01-07 16:42:40
A good starting point is whether she has any special interests - I'm a huge fan of Cuban music and latin american dancing in general and often go away on specialist dance holidays knowing that I'll meet people whom I'll have lots in common with and who will also be interested in the same sort of evening entertainment. A number of the other single people that I've met on dance holidays have now turned into really good friends and we have continued to meet up and have often been on holiday together again since then. I've also been on walking holidays on my own too in the past and can recommend them. Various friends in a similar position have greatly enjoyed going on trekking (both pony and foot!), sailing, painting, cookery, yoga, language and cycling holidays as examples of the other sorts of activity based holidays on offer but there are lots of others too. A language holiday based in a country that you have previously visited and/or would love to visit can be really good because even if you only acquire a very basic conversational level of fluency this can be a tremendous confidence booster for travelling on your own in the future. I was really glad that on my first trip to Cuba I also took some Spanish classes for this reason - I was then much more comfortable spending a week on my own in Havana after the group part ended.
Another good ploy is look out for destinations that feature heavily in 'no single supplements' offers by the TOs and/or where the evening entertainment is mainly hotel based. This is how I hit upon Tunisia as my ideal winter sun, chillout destination. It's very easy to find well priced 'no single supplement' offers in decent hotels there which means that the hotels concerned tend to attract other singles and the evening entertainment tends to be based in and around the hotels too. Hence you're likely to find other women on their own who are happy to share a table and chat over a drink in the bar the evening etc.
I have never been on a specifically 'singles' holiday but a friend speaks well of both Solo and Solitaire holidays. They can be pricier because whilst they don't charge a single supplement, the price they charge reflects the fact that they are charge more by the hotels for 'sole use of a double'. Saga holidays are aimed at the over 55s so she's towards the younger end of their age range and they are not specifically aimed at singles, probably the same with a lot of coach tours too but then there are a lot of incredibly active over 60s too. The trick will would be to focus on a holiday destination or style that is likely to attract the 50 somethings.
There's actually a good few women members here who holiday on their own so I'm sure that you'll other suggestions too.
Saga holidays are aimed at the over 55s
not true they advertise for those over 50 and have been known to take people in their 40's..saga's profile changed a few years back when they changed to a plc with shareholders
[and as a note most of the office staff are under 30 {{and very pretty too}}]

Gooorooo wrote:See, SAGA makes me think of bus loads of pensioners. My mum is very young, she doesn't do typical pension things. Am I a bit out of date with my thinking?
I've taken two SAGA holidays, both tours, the first when I was 58 and my second about three years later. The ages of my fellow passengers ranged from late forties to seventies. On one tour I was one of the oldest and on the other about the middle. People in their 40's can take Saga holidays if they are with a person 50 years old or more. Both times most of my fellow travellers were lively interesting people.Though both tours were not only for singles there was a mixture of couples and singles.
I have only taken their tours as I'm not into beach holidays, if I do go to a resort for a week or so I will go independently but I understand that on most of the holidays purely for single people tours and activities will be arranged and in many hotels when booking with SAGA there will be a SAGA lounge in the hotel where people can meet up for a chat and a drink. I'm sure your MIL would meet people with similar interests and possibly would never want to go on holiday with you again.
20 years ago I was travelling on a tour through China and made friends with another of the tour participants and we have taken numerous holidays together since then..
Edited by
2011-01-07 21:48:49

More difficult question it seems (as you've had some brilliant suggestions) - is how are you going to tell your mam Gooroo?
Glynis I know! I am dreading it! I feel so incredibly guilty and she will be heartbroken to know we don't want her to come with us. What should I do?!
ahh what a shame bless why dont you go for a week by yourselves first then let your mum join you for second week thats another option good luck
thats what i would do.have sometime to yourselves & then let her fly out,to meet you.
That won't be possible. It's unlikely we'll be away longer than a week.
PS Just a thought - what about encouraging her to have a go a weekend hotel break on her own somewhere in this country that she's always wanted to visit as a way of helping her find her feet? Or buy a theatre ticket for her as a birthday present and offer to help her book a hotel so she could make a weekend of it?
I think it is very very unlikely that she would ever say she doesn't want to go on holiday with us. It is never us that offers to take her - it is always her that asks to come and then we feel obliged to say yes!
what about buying her a weeks holiday and giving her the tickets for Christmas
Haha Wizard I'm not made of money you know!
if you really do have to go with your mom why dont you have a good chat to her and explain you and hubby love her coming with you but on certain nights you wouldnt mind just you and hubby going out on your own that way your not allways sure she would rather have a bit of you than none at all.or wouldnt you be able to talk to her like that.when my moms comes with us she understands that we want to be on our own at times and leaves us to it or i could say to her were going to our room now and we will see you in a couple of hours she loves walking and goes off by herself for long walks then has a siesta in the afternoon she loves it
I don't know about the financial side of things for you, but I used to go away with my Mum for a week, and hubby and I would take our holidays as normal.Would this be an option for you?

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