Hi Welcome again to HT- I'm sorry but I have not been to Fuengirola, but I'm sure someone that has been will see this topic and be able to offer some guidance.
Thank you Miss Pink
and a shuttle bus may be cheap, and I would assume that lots of holidays will use?
Anyway hope it helps.
Welcome DragonBev ... from your initial post, I get the impression that you have already done a bit of browsing here in this forum. However, I will add these links just in case you may have missed any of those topics which include information about trains, transfers and your hotel. Hopefully they may provide some useful advice while you wait for further feedback:
Thank you David
Yes I've browsed and browsed and browsed and enjoyed it all immensly and had loads of info. The threads are great thanks - never can get too much info - I always like to research as much as possible and it helps to paint a picture so to speak. It also helps put my mum's mind at rest as to where I'm taking her to!!!
Look forward to many more posts -

I have only used A2B Transfers once and that was to Benalmadena, which is closer to the airport than Fuengirola. We found them to be excellent, probably because we didn't get the coach we were expecting, but were transferred in a brand new Mercedes! We got a private transfer for the cost of a shared one.
The train station is right in the centre of Fuengirola.

I think we will probably take the transfers as it sounds a bit of a walk with luggage and neither of us are 21 - maybe in our minds but certainly not in body.
It looks really easy and is definately loads cheaper but I think we'll go for the safer bet and book the transfers - just hope they don't take hours - I hate being stuck on a bus after being on the plane but needs must!!
We can then suss out the train for the next time!!
The trains are spotlessly clean always on time and run every 30 minutes. I have never felt unsafe on the train and there is usually a security guard/conductor on the train. The announcements on the train are in Spanish and English
the main point im making is that by using a taxi, we had control of time etc, and as you will read , we where early , which allowed us a better chance of a seat on the plane
(My personal experience when using thomas cook flexible trips using jumbo transfers
When we arrived at malaga airport , collected our luggage, we had to walk past or though approx 30 people standing with notices or clipboards.........None of these where jumbo transfers or thomas cook. We kept walking, not knowing what to do, then this young fella came forward, stating he was from jumbo transfers........he asked me and the wife to stand against a wall some 20 yards away. at the same time he wanted to take our transfer voucher of us to check it against his list..........nope lol there was no way i was letting that voucher ot of my sight.........Then came the sort of bomb shell........they where in dispute with the airport authorties in malaga, who where not allowing them to bring there transport up close to arrivals...........We waiting approx 30 mins more to get some other passangers, and then we set off on a approx 10 minute walk or more , around this corner and that corner to get to the bus transfer........
two days before or return home we tel them as requested and cancelled the pick up...........the flight home was for 10.50am approx with the desk being closed at approx 10.20am.............we where advised that they wouold collect us at the hotel at 8.20am and of course there woukld be other pick ups, then there was the matter of the long walk round this corner and that corner with two very large suitcases and hand luggage...........clearly there was no chance of being in the first group A of 30 people.................During our lovely holiday we used a taxi to mijas, and a lovely young lad driving with great english. the banter between us was great on that taxi ride........The wife asked for his mobile no, telling him about our expereince at the airport...........The result ??
he took us to the airport , we where approx 12 in line, so therefore group A, and it gets better...........While at the departure gate, waiting, a young spanish Easy Jet lady took my wifes arm and led here to the front of the queue
My wife was using a stick................30 euros for that taxi ride was well worth it )
Hi there dragonbev. below i have copied and pasted a post of mine ref transfers to and from our hotel ( fungerola park ) last year. which was added onto another thread I started last year ..........You will notice we used a local taxi on our return journey and it was money well spent and with a lot of piece of mind. I hope that by me adding this that it wont add to any confusion You will also read of the worry of getting a seat on the plane ie easy jet, and the help that that taxi ride gave us was brill...........(My personal experience when using thomas cook flexible trips using jumbo transfers
When we arrived at malaga airport , collected our luggage, we had to walk past or though approx 30 people standing with notices or clipboards.........None of these where jumbo transfers or thomas cook. We kept walking, not knowing what to do, then this young fella came forward, stating he was from jumbo transfers........he asked me and the wife to stand against a wall some 20 yards away. at the same time he wanted to take our transfer voucher of us to check it against his list..........nope lol there was no way i was letting that voucher ot of my sight.........Then came the sort of bomb shell........they where in dispute with the airport authorties in malaga, who where not allowing them to bring there transport up close to arrivals...........We waiting approx 30 mins more to get some other passangers, and then we set off on a approx 10 minute walk or more , around this corner and that corner to get to the bus transfer........
two days before or return home we tel them as requested and cancelled the pick up...........the flight home was for 10.50am approx with the desk being closed at approx 10.20am.............we where advised that they wouold collect us at the hotel at 8.20am and of course there woukld be other pick ups, then there was the matter of the long walk round this corner and that corner with two very large suitcases and hand luggage...........clearly there was no chance of being in the first group A of 30 people.................During our lovely holiday we used a taxi to mijas, and a lovely young lad driving with great english. the banter between us was great on that taxi ride........The wife asked for his mobile no, telling him about our expereince at the airport...........The result ??
he took us to the airport , we where approx 12 in line, so therefore group A, and it gets better...........While at the departure gate, waiting, a young spanish Easy Jet lady took my wifes arm and led here to the front of the queue
My wife was using a stick................30 euros for that taxi ride was well worth it )
Edited by
2011-02-03 17:50:04
lol Im married to a lovely lady, love her to bits, but packing her case or cases light isnt her strong point lol enjoy your holidays
ps to my above post.............we also used the trains during our 2 weeks stay, and seen other folks with cases on them, and things seemed normal / fine and clean...........we didnt use the train to the airport, because we would have been getting a taxi to take us to the train station.so whay not use it the whole way ...... harry
It's great to hear first hand about what it's really like and how easy it is to use.This info is priceless to me!!
Lots of people seem to use the train and I am sorely tempted as I like using local transport I'm just worreid about lugging the suitacases to the Gardenia - not as fit as I was and I won't let Mam lug hers even though she's a spitely seventy plus
Mind you after reading Harry's comments on the transfer I'm thinking maybe not to go down that route
It's so good to hear tips regarding specifics to our holiday. I know what you mean regarding the timing of the transfers - I always book prority boarding as we had a near miss in Salou one time - thought we were'nt going to make it - and we only had hand luggage too!!!
Mam is a bit unsure about taking a taxi from the airport - me and hubby are different but she worries '2 women foreign country - and of course suitcases (even if they are only cabin size)' so I try and make it easy for us but I hate spending loads on transfers if I can use public transport quickly safely and conveniently
All you help is appreciated and any more tips are gladly welcomed
Did you all enjoy it there - after getting htere by whatever means of transport you opted for
this link may/ may not work, giving you a little more insight to our holiday in fungerola park hotel
Mum tends to worry a bit when she doesn't know where we're going hence the question - once there she'll be fine and as everyone has said it's lovely to walk around
Thanks again Harry - all tips greatly appreciated and read avidly (helps to build the excitment too)

We stayed at the Gardenia Park over New Year and I would definitely recommend using the train for your transfer. It will be about 1.65 euros each way and the trains are always on time and run every 30 minutes. For the Gardenia Park you need to get off at Torreblanca station and the journey from Malaga airport takes about 30 minutes. As for safety on the train everything seems fine and there is a guard who regularly walks up and down the train and we felt totally comfortable throughout our train journeys. Now the walk from Torreblanca station could take about 15-20 minutes. You have to go down downhill first to the main road where the Gardenia Park is on but then it is a steady incline of a walk to the hotel but if you take your time then you should be ok.
Hi again Bev............we hope you enjoy your holiday. please post after you come home with how you both got on, and on this thread if you would
I shall surely be posting a report - hopefully saying how sunny and warm it was and a wonderful time was had by us both!!
It seems the weather is quite mild out there now so I'm really looking forward to it. I've been looking a the forums and checking up on the all important shopping info when we're out and about strolling and of course if there is a local market that just happens to be on (Tuesday) I believe then it would be rude to bypass it!!! That's my excuse!
Next problem is how to get enough books in the suitcase to last me until I find a bookswop or similar out there!! I'm normally lucky and the hotel usaully has one!! Any suggestions anyone????
That's what I love about HT - you can ask anything (within reason and the law of course)
Will soon be counting sleeps - once it's under 20 it's close!!
Directions on foot from Torreblanca station as follows:
Alighting the train at Torreblanca station, make a sharp left up the steps at the side of the Torreblanca Hotel... turn right towards the front, crossing over the road at some point before reaching the roundabout at the bottom.. looking up left from there, you will see the Gardenia Park...take the crossing to the sea side of the main road and its a 3-4 minute walk from there.
Bus stops outside on either side of road will take you into Los Boliches and Fuengirola.. to Benalmadena and Torremolinos in the other direction.
May I also recommend a great little bar to the rear of the hotel, the Red Dragon.. good food, very hospitable, wall to wall sport on TV if that's your thing and internet access.
Also we fly back at 10.25am and will presume we'll have to be at the airport for at least 8.25 -(will have checked in online - so straight to security) so for the return transfer will the rains run this early? Reading some reports it's a long trek to the terminal once you get to the airport.
Thanks again for all your replies - ALL tips and info greatly appreciated!! Looking at the weather it looks set to change this coming week but hopefully the sun will be back by the time we go!! All we need is a little sun to relax in and allow us to wander around without the raincoats!!!

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