Hi all
Was just wondering if you keep your face in or out of the sun to avoid more wrinkles/crows feet?

I tan easily(ish) and thought the high factor lotion would help alleviate my problem but wasn't very pleased with the lotion as it left my face looking extremely greasy within a few hours. I felt I looked like a horrible sweaty mess so won't be using that this year.
Looks like I will be hiding under a hat in Corfu.

My face is usually underwater with mask and regulator etc..and when it is not, no, I have a pair of sunglasses on and thats that...I try to avoid suncream in between dives if possible as it causes your mask to slip/slide/leak...
I just cant hack the heat on my face though . it's like torture for me even though i do spend all day on the sun bed. I have no idea how some people lay there staked our for hours with their faces up to the sun .
I usually cover my head & forehead and have a go for a bit otherwise I try to get a bit on my face when taking a stroll along the beach.
I like to feel the sun on my face, but I am paranoid that I will get cold sores from the sun ( sounds a bit silly but you know what I mean)so i am constantly putting high factor lip balm on as well as sun cream.
margaretcarroll you have just reminded me that I must look out for a really high factor lip balm. I really suffered last year, I think it was a combination of the sun and wind. I know exactly how you feel
My nieces (22 and 17) comment on how pleased they are that they seem to have inherited their complexions from my Mum and how they hope they keep theirs as long as she and I have done but I keep stressing to them that they will stay wrinkle free and keep the age spots at bay for even longer if they protect their faces now. They seem to be getting the mssage even if it is MY moisturiser they use when we are away on holiday together.

As I'm getting older I'm more aware of keeping fine lines and wrinkles at bay. I've been lucky enough to have a decent complexion but I do get freckles in the summer. Only last year, I decided to use a sun protection specially for the face, up until then I was using the same one as I used for my body. I have always worn a hat with a brim or peak though as the hot sun tends to give me a headache.
Very high factor sun cream and a brimmed hat for me.. Like SM I have some damage to my skin from sunbathing before we knew what could happen. But religious use of skin protection over the last 30 years or so has helped keep my skin in a reasonable condition. I rarely sun bathe and can't stand the sun on my face. I have a very pale skin and easily burn so the only tan I get is a very small change of tone to my skin from when I go walking in the summer months. My face stays pale though. It's years now since I tried to get a tan and when I see the extremely lined faces of some of my sunworshiping friends and experienced another going through treatment for skin cancer I'm glad common sense took over.
I use factor 35 or 50 on my face and also keep it out of the sun. I also suffer from the weird pigmentation thing that goes on after years on sunbathing, but on my upper arms mainly, I dont thing many others would notice it, but I am aware - I suppose it is a form of sun damage. I have been very protective of my face though and also I just cant stand the feel of the sun directly on it.
hi, one yr i decided to use some sun lotion especially for my face, i think it was factor 30 lorel (spelling) and my face ended up white! or rarthwer my body was lovey and tanned and i had a white face so i looked really odd! fom then on ive just used my same cream i use on my body but keep it a higher factor like preshaps what id start out using on my body on first few days, 30,25 or 15 probably. i then have some vitaman e face cream i use after my shower at night. oooo cant wait for hols!
Always keep my face protected. I wear a high factor sunscreen on my face and spray it down my parting. I have burnt my scalp in the past but have learned my lesson. I always wear a foundation with at least a factor 15 in it as well,summer or winter. I am pale skinned and am bordering on paranoid about reapplying suncream,there's just no fun in being burned.

I like a bit of sun on my face but I always wear a high factor. I don't lay with the sun on my face though, I just get too hot.
no I love havin a brown face..,make sure you use a good day night cream and a good eye cream...my skin is in execellent condition when I have a tan...
I also have solar keratosis through years of having my face in the sun, even with spf. Unfortunately you see your face in the mirror too regularly. There's not a day goes by that I wish I hadn't been so eager to have a tan.

If you want to lay down for a snooze the sun still does not feel too intense on your face especially if you wear a hot.

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