General Holiday Enquiries, Hints and Tips

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dazbo do you need A.P.I if your flight is commin from spain to this country as i have done it on outward flight with jet2 but as i am commin back with ryanair ther dose not seam to be anywere on there web to enter this from spain cheers
the fatboy

If you haven't been asked or have the option of entering API, then no.

Hi all, just a quick question I can't seem to find any information about anywhere! Very sorry if it's been mentioned in here before though.

Both of my daughters have changed their names, 1 has changed forename and the other has changed surname to my surname via deed poll. All 3 of our passports are out of date this year, what documents would I need to send to get their names changed on their passport? Is this even possible?

Thanks in advance for any advice.
CourtneeLouise xx.

If the passports are up for renewal, then it should be just a question of submitting the passport form, returning the old passports with it and including the paperwork for changes of name. New passports should be issued with the new names then. Full details of changes are on IPS's website. I would contact IPS to go through it with them if you're still unsure.

Ok Darren, thanks a lot for that :) just dreading the passports coming back and forth because they wont accept the name change documents. I will give IPS a call though!
Thanks again.
CourtneeLouise xx

If your children are under 16 then you'll also need to submit the consent to the name change from everyone who has parental responsibility.

If they are 16 or over then the document itself (provided it was executed correctly) will be sufficient (along with the previous passport, photos form and fees).
Thanks for your help ClownBoy. I have sole parental responsibility so would I just need to write a letter to say I've agreed for their names to change?

Thanks again
CourtneeLouise x
Assuming your kids were born in England prior to 1/12/2003.........

You'd need to submit a signed letter confirming that you have sole PR for your children (name them in the letter), that you have never been married to their father (named on their birth cert) and that there are no court orders in place regarding the children.

That, along with the change of named docs, forms, photos, fee and previous passports should be sufficient.
has anyone recently applied for their first adult uk passport if so what was the turn around time? Ips have just recieved my app and im meant 2 b flying out on 18th june
Welcome Sandra ... someone applying for their first adult passport is generally regarded by IPS as someone who has not previously held a British passport, including child passport. Does that apply to you ? If so, the IPS advises to allow up to 6 weeks in order that you may attend a personal interview as part of the application process. Other peoples experiences of turnaround times may not necessarily help you, as appointment waiting times could vary locally or regionally.

However, if you currently hold a child passport and will be obtaining an adult passport upon renewal, the IPS quotes guidelines of up to 3 weeks for online or postal applications, and up to 2 weeks for Check & Send applications via the Post Office.

David :wave
no not held any type of passport. Ive read about allowing upto 6 weeks etc but was just wondering what was happening to other people. Guess i'll just have to wait and see. Ips told me that the app i sent via post was probably lost as it took 2 weeks to get there so i reapplied then yesterday after i had been to the post off to do another my original turns up at Newport :( so ive paid for two passports.
That's not a very good start !

Not sure if Clownboy might be able to give any advice or predictions when next online, but I think for now it's a case of waiting for the letter to arrive which invites you to phone and arrange an interview, and just hope for the best that some early appointments are available in your region.

Good luck and please do keep us informed on progress.

David :wave
Thanks for you some advice. I've 3 local interview offices so fingers crossed. But am willing to travel if it helps get an appointment sooner.
Hopefully with that bit of flexibility on your part, there will be a happy outcome in time for your holiday. The opinions of Holidaytruths members over the years about their experiences with the IPS have generally been very positive and appreciative.

David :wave
I'd travel to scotland if I had to haha. Do you think this time of year is busy for them? I would imagine they were before the last bank holiday.
Do you think this time of year is busy for them?

I don't know about first time applicants and interviews, but I spoke to someone just last week who had their online renewal processed and the new passport issued within a week, well inside the three week guideline. Obviously there will be exceptions too depending on the volume of applications, or any errors on the part of the applicant, etc.

David :wave
I'm just too impatient! Still 18 june is 5 weeks away so fingers crossed :)
spoke to the ips today and they had submitted both my applications after they had been told that a second was on its way. Outcome didnt look good, they said they would call back.They called me back spoke to a lovely lady who said she had the second app infront of her and would disreguard the first one and she'd be drawing up the interview letter and i would recieve it by the weekend and should have my passport in 2 weeks. Cannot be happier :D
Thanks for the update Sandra, that must be a relief to you. Keep us updated. :tup
David :wave
Holiday Truths Forum

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