Still doing my research on La Carihuela. Can somebody tell me if the supermarkets sell our brands of nappies and baby food, and if so are they roughly the same price as here or are they ridiculously expensive. Thanks
I found it interesting that there is no cycling on the prom,long may it last.I wish they did that at Cala bona where they have a psyco track that is not liked. Why do cyclist think they rule over pedestrians?
Marlou wrote:Still doing my research on La Carihuela. Can somebody tell me if the supermarkets sell our brands of nappies and baby food, and if so are they roughly the same price as here or are they ridiculously expensive. Thanks :)
The Spanish have their own brand of baby food(s) it's called Hero and their nappies are Dodot, and they go through the entire range or stages from new-born to toddlers, plus you'll see other names from the various makers of baby food. EG:Nestle, Milupa, Deliplus and Puleva.
Any British brand will be more expensive, it's obvious why, because it's been imported and its only selling point is to a select group of people (tourists and some ex-pats) and not the natives.
Some farmacias may stock a small supply of baby products such as SMA and Cow &Gate, names that you recognise, but they will be more expensive for the reason given and you may have to trek to seek them out.
IMO: What you need to do is learn some Spanish words that you personally are going to need regarding your baby( Bebé), well you don't have to ‘learn' them, you can put the certain words through a translation site and just write them down on a piece of paper and have it with you when you visit the supermarket "¦.. then you will understand what you're buying, because I've seen this happen so often when folks by-pass the Spanish foodstuff because they stand there looking at the product and can't understand a word of it, or they take a chance and buy by the picture on the product, or they completely by-pass them and head for the British names they recognise and pay a hell of a lot more.
If you buy what you think is a tin of tomatoes because it has a picture of a tomato on the label and it turns out to be tomato juice, it's not the end of the world for an adult, but when you've got a hungry screaming baby, IMO, it does matter.
The supermarket ‘Mecadoana' situated on AVDA Carlota Alessandri is your best bet when staying in La Carihuela.
Now don't ask me why I took these photos in Mercadona in June 2010, because I can't remember why myself as I have no grandchildren"¦I think someone must have been asking the same question and I must have taken the photo to remember the names & prices as I was passing them in the aisle"¦.although obviously those prices will not be the same today, but they shouldn't be too wide off the mark.
Ask me how much a carton of orange juice costs or a packet of vacuumed packed bacon and I could answer instantly, but nappies? No chance!

They do try to help with the pictures on the products and most of us can recognise a picture of a pear, a pinnacle, a banana or a peach and they do put the recommended month to give your baby this type of food. Some of the Spanish words can be figured out because they are not too dissimilar to English, EG Variadas frutas ( various fruits) Cereales ( Cereals) sin azucares (without sugars) but Imo it's things like my examples below and what your baby eats that you need to know.
Desde =from
Mes= month
Azucar =sugar
Sin =without
A partir del sexto mes = from the sixth month or you could say, to partake from the sixth month.
Verduritas c on ternera= Vegetables with Beef
Puré de patatas y pollo =Mashed potatoes and chicken
Arroz c o n leche = rice with milk
Postre = Desert
If your baby is still on formula milk, make a note of the contents, put them through a translation site into Spanish and you will be able to get a Spanish product as near (if not the same) as what your baby usually has, and then even if the name is different you can compare in the supermarket.
A final word "¦Bottled water"¦"¦be careful, bottled water is mineral water and between the various brands they differ regarding the density/percentage of mineral content, especially salt content, and the price is no indication as to whether a higher priced water is better or worse than a different brand selling cheaper, so always read the label and look for the Sodium (Sodio) percentage and chose the brand with the lowest, and now in most large supermarkets they sell bottled water that is specially made/distilled for babies (bebés) although as you would expect, it's more expensive.
It sounds daunting, but with a little preparation beforehand, a visit to the supermarket will be a breeze rather than a headache, and don't forget the Spanish are a very family orientated race and they adore children, especially babies.
Sanji x
Thank you so much for that information Sanji. I just need to convince hubby now that we can afford to go around Sept.
I'm glad you found the info you needed (and more) Lou. Sanji knows just about everything you need to know for a holiday in La Carihuela
Great info there Sanji
Sanji thanks again I've just been writing down the info you provided. We're not going to La Carihuela now, we are going to Cambrils Costa Dorada, but Spain nevertheless so your info has definitely helped

And as always, thanks to Sanji and others on here for all their help and advice which have made our previous visits such a success

Kind Regards
Looking forward to visiting La Carihuela at the end of June/beginning of July
So am I

Sanji x
At last! Would be lovely to meet up for a drink

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