As long as it fits in your suitcase and it's within your weight allocation, it'll be fine. In relation to your post on the Easyjet topic, you should be ok taking it in hand luggage but it'll have to be within the size restrictions of hand luggage, but check with Easyjet first.
stoddy wrote:
They will have your case open for sure on this side especially after today's news
I wouldn't have thought so as it'll show up as a scooter on the scan so should arouse any suspicions. I take a much better challange for security staff with me on holiday in the form of a marine video housing that's made from 3/4 inch aircraft grade aluminium. On the scan, it looks like a metal tube with wires inside as they've shown it to me. I've only been asked to open my case twice in 10 years while travelling with it so a scooter won't be a problem as it's more obvious.