Malaysia. There are countless reasons why living in Malaysia makes sense. Low cost of living, excellent weather, lots of nature, superb food, lovely beaches, awesome outdoor opportunities....
I mean, ideally I'd buy in Singapore, but property here has gone through the, ahum, roof, so that's a no-go. Plus as a retirement place, Singapore would probably be too busy and too expensive.
But Malaysia is an excellent choice, especially since the government introduced the Malaysia as my second home program, MM2H (read: lots of financial incentives).
In fact, I'd venture to say that spending a year in Malaysia won't set you back as much as spending a year in Europe, including countries like Turkey, Albania etc. Yet, medical care in Malaysia, in the cities that is, is at least on a par with Europe and I reckon a few notches better than in Turkey, Albania etc.
As they say: Malaysia Boleh