India is a very big place and Goa tiny. The report is about Goa particularly. Baga Creek was singled out for particular attention.
When we stayed at the Marinha Dourada last November I made particular mention in my hotel report of the state of their lagoons which stank of raw sewage and had a scum laying on top which was the main offender. Fortunately the wind was blowing it away from the hotel in to the far corners most of the time. These pools are very popular with anglers as they have some huge fish in them. There is an Osprey that fishes the salt pans across the road from the MD but it never attempts to catch the numerous fish in the MD. I wonder why ?
Back to the sewage though, that gets flushed into the river from those pools and in turn it finds it's way down to the sea at Baga Beach. The Baga headland probably keeps it around for a while too. In the last few years there has been more and more development both along the creek and in Arpora. Presumably all the new homes and hotels use the same sewage disposal method.
You wouldn't catch me swimming in the sea anywhere in Goa but particularly not on the BCC strip as you are in danger from jet skis and motor boats to say nothing of the water itself which can also have some pretty strong currents I believe. We do paddle along the shore line taking care to watch for broken glass and bottle tops which are numerous. It was an interesting observation that cuts can be contaminated via the sea water too.
My advice to anyone who has never been is use your hotel swimming pool if you want a swim.
cheers Dave