I'd just like some advice about booking a holiday for one person.
My long-term partner split up with me at Easter and there's no-one else available to come on holiday with me, except for my friend who hates the sun and loves shopping while I'm just the opposite! I just want to relax in the sunshine with my books, so I've decided I'll go alone.

I particularly like the Greek islands but don't want to go to a resort where I've visited with my ex (too many memories). We've had last-minute allocated on arrival holidays before but I don't want to take the risk of not knowing where I'll be staying if I'm on my own. I've booked flight and accommodation separately before, so that's not a problem.
Some websites say they have no holidays to match when I put in 1 passenger but they have plenty to match when I enter 2 pasengers

I'm limited to school holidays because I work in a school and I don't have a fortune to spend. I'll be grateful for any advice anyone can give me. Thanks