The show starts at 11 o'clock Sunday mornings, see M T O or local paper for dates, roughly 100 men dress in old costumes of the Knights and put on a show for about 45 minutes with flags,pikes and spears they also do a 10 man volley with old black powder guns which if you are not ready for could leave a small mark in your pants but it looks very good as it goes of with all the smoke, they also have 4 morters and a cannon which again makes you think what it must have been like for the Maltesse to had all thoughs cannon balls fired at them in the great siege.( there is a Turkish cannon ball as you go in the fort)
After the gun fire has endded they all form up and march of to battle, you then have a chance to have a look round the fort, the price for the show is Ml 1.50 each.
Also held here is a new show called The Alarme held on the other Sundays when the above is one, this one is about the 1789 fight with the French it is the same price and lasts an hour.

I have just had a thought is this why the taxi drivers are so grumpy they have no one to fight.