I dont want to sound like a worrying first time mum but i am! My question is has anyone stayed at the Aqua Fantasy with a toddler of around 18 months and if so how did you find everything? I am not too worried about food as our little girl eats anything and is not fussy, but however she does love her milk (cows milk) at night and sometimes during the night too, if she awakes she wont settled back down without her milk and also loves a bottle of the white stuff first thing in the morning! Will we be able to buy milk anywhere close by or in the hotel? Can we ask for it to be warmed up?

I am thinking of just buying some Aptamil powdered milk for the 2 weeks and to just make it up as we go along using the kettle provided in the room ( well i hope there is one provided anyway??!) , i know we will have to get this once through customs but this is not a problem. Also how are the cots? do they change the cot sheets quite frequently or should i pack a few spare sheets??
If anyone has any ideas, tips or advice on getting through the holiday as smoothly as possible, related or non related (i.e plane) i would be so so thankful! I am losing sleep worrying about all sorts !!