I have just came back from 2 tours purchased from Tours4Fun (10-day Western US and 6-day Eastern US). They were without any doubt the worst tours we have ever been to:
1) Language - there was no information whatsoever that the tours are bilingual. We only got it in small print once we have purchased the tours but not before.
2) Guides - all 4 guides we had to deal with spoke badly broken English. With their poor gramma and bad pronunciation it was impossible to figure out what they meant. On many occasions, when we were leaving the bus, all English speaking people had to ask the guide again what are we doing, as no one could figure out what was said. Over 10 English speakers I talked to had the same problem. Quite often we could not even decipher the names of places and attractions until we actually got to them and could read it somewhere. For example, the guide with the best English could only get as close to pronouncing "Wall Street" as "Washie". Additionally we had to witness the appalling behaviour of one of the guides who started screaming when four young students politely stated that they wouldn't pay the guide fees as they were adviced by their travel agency in writing, that it was optional. They would have never purchased the tour if it was mandatory.
3) Buses - buses were fitted with 60 seats making very little room in front of you. Many people had to touch the seat in front of them, as there was simply no room left. Additionally, West Coast tour buses had very poor air conditioning. When travelling through Nevada, with 40°C outside, our bus could only manage to get the temperature to 30°C. Imagine 60 people crowded for hours on a bus with such temperature. And we were apparently lucky as the air conditioning in another bus got broken and they have to replace the bus the next day.
o Tour Schedule - this was very unprofessional and beyond any practicality. I have taken fast pace tours before but waking up on multiple occasions at 4:15 am was just too much. On both tours we had to spend over 10 hours on a bus on multiple days. They were simply very badly designed with very limited time at each attractiosn and no free time whatsoever.
4) Hotel Locations - this was again very poor. Most of the hotels were far away from everything, some of them were over 50 km from the city centre and some had nothing around, not even shops. For example, when we got to the hotel in the morning on the 1st day of our East Coast tour in New York, we found out that we have only the hotel and nothing else to use for almost a day. For the nearest shops you had to take free bus shuttle to the airport (45 minute drive) and then pay for a shuttle from the airport.
o Chaotic situations on numerous occasions - West Coast tour start in Las Vegas was delayed for 1.5 hours with no information or apologies.

So in summary the tours were definitely NOT 4FUN and for English speakers there is a high chance that the guides will be not understendable. There was a guide that spoke perfect English but he was never on our bus, all 4 guides we had were simply bad. They could have been great in Chinese but they should never guide tours in English.

So again for all English speakers AVOID tours4fun unless you are happy to spend days in a crowded bus with over 80% of non English speakers and hardly understandabel guide and you are prepared to wake up at 4:15 and spend long hours on a bus and short time at every attraction.