Today I've spent time collating some information about my holiday in a little notepad. I'm self catering, so I've even put details of nearest supermarkets etc. I've got a couple of stopovers so details about them. Also places that I would like to visit and their address. It was quite fun to do really
Anyone else do this?
A lot of the stuff I tend to remember, as I read up about places so many times. I do make a few notes when it's close to holiday time, especially if there's been a specific recommendation for something. I never do so much though, that the place isn't a surprise when I get there.
I went away this year armed with my list of restaurant recommendations from the CDS forum
My notebook has been on the go for years. I write down where I'm going , the airline, the hotel, the price, the insurance no. the time the flight takes, the charge for extras etc. I then write what the flight was like and then what the hotel was like and the room number. It's a great little book which I look at every now and again to remind me of some great holidays.
Digby, that's what I dug it out for, to write a memonto of what I am going/doing on certain days, I just thought I might as well add addresses etc too
or things I've run out of and need to replace
I also write a journal of the holiday, this started a few years ago and has "grown", it's basically factual to jog my memory, and would be dead boring to anyone else, but has become a bit of a labour of love - some days end up with several pages to themsleves, and others just end up with a few scribbled phrases, especially the last day It's quite fun to re-read in the depths of winter
I usually write a list of things to do and places to eat etc but nearly always forget to take it with me.We do take our lap top though so most information can be accessed.
Last Year I kept a little holiday diary type account in my notebook as I'd decided to write a blog on the holiday when I got home. It's great reading that blog now and again, bringing back fantastic memories.
Other traveller recommendations of bars & restaurants, things to do, etc included.
Then I squish it down to a small font with few line spaces and print it out.
Usually only runs to a couple of A4 pages but I can even include small googlemaps
I find it really useful to take with me.
And then I've got an envelope with bits of paper for the one trip. Address and phone number of the hotel, on the back of a Google map if I've not been before. Train/bus times for any part that has to happen to a timetable (I've just been up to the summit of the Timmelsjoch pass road in Italy, there's only one usable bus per day which involved connections as well). Recommended pubs, address and opening times. EHIC procedures for the countries being visited - got to be easier than trying to find out when you actually need help! After a trip this load doesn't have to go again so the pile doesn't get bigger each time.
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