Around a fortnight ago, I had an e mail from a swish hotel with an offer. You had to register before yesterday, to be in with a chance to bag one of 50 rooms for £50. I checked out the offer which was for B & B during the month of November, read the T & C's and exclusion dates and registered. Yesterday I was, sent another e mail with a link to click at 11am today, when the rooms were released. I did get a little excited, as we'll have been married 35 years next month & so hoped to get away for one night

As it was my break time, I sat in front of the computer from 10.50 and dilligently clicked the link every few seconds. Eventually I got through, and lo and behold, the date I wanted was now listed in the exclusions

Surely, all exclusion dates should have been listed in the original e mail. Can they just add exclusion dates when they please? I've sent an email expressing my disappointment - not with being unable to book a room, but with the way they've handled this offer. I'm not holding my breath for a reply