I had to walk away and think about that, I think in reference to comparing Europe with some other parts of the world, the term "third world country" would have been more applicable, rather than using the word ‘savages' to describe people who have little from this capitalist world.
In my experience, those who have little material things, they tend to have the biggest hearts.
Anyhow, those savages in Spain known as ‘maids', they are not stupid and can recognise a bottle with the dreg ends inside and will bin it, and anything which is half full that will save them a few euros in the supermercado, they place on top of their trolley.
Times are hard in Europe, austerity cuts are biting hard, especially amongst those already on low wages like maids, so I would image more toiletries are (or will) be placed on the trolley, than in the bin.
A lesson to be learnt > one slip of the tongue and you'll land in the caca.