General Holiday Enquiries, Hints and Tips

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so how long is a piece of string :think

if i could answer accurately i would not be working to pay my holidays :cry

however, for what it is worth, i would expect that the rate will continue to rise above €1.20 for a little while yet because of the reduction in some of the eurozones credit rating, but there are warnings in place that the uk could yet be down graded in the near future which could reverse this trend.
i would doubt that the rate would get back to the dizzy heights of €1.60, but if it gets to €1.25 before the end of the month i will be buying some then.
i would not be buying any if my holiday was more than about 3 months away - i am going at the end of april and have to get some anyway as i only have about €10 left from my last trip - because the situation with greece, and to a lesser extent spain and potugal, could yet blow all considerations out of the water.
we got half our February euro in the town this week at 1.185 to the pound the rest we are watching carefully, thurs it had dropped to 1.165 but is up today to 1.175 with the French bitching about being downgraded along with other euro zone countries i am hoping for the pound to rise to about 1.25 [interbank] i.22 [tourist] over the next couple of weeks
jimd has used my first two lines!

We've had this question in various forms before and people get all excited by poor performance in the eurozone. The problem is the UK is dependent on trade with them so big trouble in eurozone usually drags the pound down as well, in effect the pound may gain an odd eurocent but drops a load against the US dollar. This time it's speculation about speculation. The first speculation is what will happen to the eurozone now that some countries have had their credit rating dropped. If you can work that out, you can then speculate on how that will affect the pound. The other news yesterday was that both Italy and Spain did quite well selling off bonds (ie getting loans) and that sort of news usually perks the euro up a bit. Overall I'm not expecting any significant changes in the pound-euro rate as a result of yesterday.
tbf I did ask for experts!!! ;) lol Only joking, it's good for morale!

I'll probably have about £2500 spending money to change (all the family not just for me) so a difference of 1 cent makes 25 euros difference which is quite a few pints, sometimes even 25 pints!!! :) I know, it's the chance you take! I might just edge my bets and get £500 worth next week then look again in a few weeks and see how it's going!
your other issue is that rates in the UK are often worse than in the other country, so you could watch the markets intently, pounce when you think it's right and then get very annoyed when you see what you could have got once you get there - like I did last year!!
Oh that reminds me I need euros again. I normally get min before I go these days but than I don't get as much as you most of you. Normally exchange about £200 sterling into euros. I don't do all inclusive, sitting around all day holidays either, but if I need money out I get it out when I'm over there.
I think I shall do the shame as Chivas, hedge my bets and get some now and some later. Having been in Switzerland last year the Euro seems a bit of a bargain, but I suppose the other part of the equasion is what they are actually charging for commodities once you get to any particular Country.
good point - if you get 3% more for your pound this year but the country you visit has 6% inflation it won't seem as good!
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