Circumstances have changed & now have the opportunity to do IVF through an egg sharing programme where I donate half of my eggs & in return the lady pays for our IVF. We never thought we would get the chance to have IVF as it is so expensive. Obviously I now want to cancel my holiday & OTB (On The Beach) want to charge £60 PER PERSON on top of the £400 we have already paid to cancel!
I have called my bank & asked if they can stop them taking anymore money from my bank but they said my only option was to close my account! As I gave them my details they can take whatever they want, whenever they want

How can they get away with this? I have been trying to call them all evening, I am simply told that my number has been recognised, unfortunately the calls are taking longer to deal with & to call back in X amount of minutes to resume my place in Que..when I call back i get the same but to try again in say 5 mins. 7 times i have done this, the first time was 11 mins, then 2 mins, then 5 mins, then3 mins, then 1 min, then 2 mins.. and have given up after them now saying another 2mins. They charge 50p per minute,,,, does this now mean I have been charged £13 for my place being held in the Que - before i have even got through to anyone???
I am discusted we have to pay more for a holiday we are now unable to go on.
when you log into my account on their website & use the online virtual help you can only make a complaint once you have been on holiday- not before.
can anyone advise me on what to do? I do not need this stress when I am about to try for the only cycle of IVF I will ever be lucky enough to have