Making up for it now we have retired.
Some people annoy me intensely when they say things like "You're going on holiday again, you're never at home" or "You must be rich coz I can't afford to go on as many holidays as you".
I think, yeah, but what about all those years when we didn't go away, and all the years when we couldn't afford to hire a tent next to the local canal for a week, or what about all those hours I spent at work and couldn't even get the same weeks holidays as my oH.?
I get the impression that some people even resent OAP's going away, and if they do, they should stick to the low season when the prices are cheaper, the days are short and the weather is naff, or most resorts are closed in Europe.
Try living on a state pension and you'll soon realise that every time you want to go on holiday, the money comes out of the bank and there is no way to put it back in, and of course if you do have a few bob in the bank, you get no help from anybody.....I can't say " give me a few pension credits to top up my pension because I fancy a week in Benidorm".
It's called frugal planning in early family life, which has resulted in a reasonable and sustainable retirement in later life. And if people don't want to do that, then please don't come moaning to me or resenting me being able to go on holiday whenever I want to, because you'll get the sharp end of my tongue

Edited by
2012-06-25 12:16:02