And he will get his answer when the poll closes.My initial questions stands.
No doubt several respected members of HT work in the travel industry but, as has been said, we know them and they are not in the business of trying to sell us anything.
madsue wrote:
Glynis HT Admin wrote:Kath who was HT Admin on here for many years, was also a Travel Agent. She always posted reviews on HT and I would trust her opinion 100%. :tup
As would I, GlynisBut of course we all "know" Kath :D
Aslemma wrote:No doubt several respected members of HT work in the travel industry but, as has been said, we know them and they are not in the business of trying to sell us anything.
Maybe not, but they may have a vested interest in recommending a hotel with which their agency had a contract, particularly if it was not selling very well. It would, obviously, be up to members to make up their own minds. As I've said, I personally have no problem with TAs providing reviews, provided they are clearly shown as such, but will put far more trust on those provided by ordinary members. When the poll is finished and analysed will be the time for Chris and Phil to decide whether to go down this road. At the moment the jury is still out.Would the reviewers be trying to sell us something?
doe wrote:i cant see it being a problem really, so long as we know the source of the review. People can then make their own decions accordingly.
I tend to look for factual information anyway, stuff like such and such a member of staff was brilliant/rubbish is of no great interest to me by the time I go they may have left or had a change in attitude, or be on holiday themselves.
Anything to get the review part of the site more active and up to date must be a good thing. Members are intelligent enough to make their own judgements. Whats the use of only having one member review on a hotel if that review is 4 years old, its still not giving a variety of views as it is one persons thoughts and also everything could have changed anyway.
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