Have a look at the prices others charge for flights and you will see thats cheap! You also normally have to book and pay extra for meals with other companies. Cyprus is on the divide between short and long haul flights, so the fuel costs alone stop it bring cheap.
one of the reasons for flights being expensive in Cyprus is the Airport landing/take off and handling fees [also aviation fuel for the return is imported and more expensive than most of europe
Flights on Wednesday (winter time) depart Manchester at 09:15 arriving at 15:45 (local time) in Larnaca and departing at 17:00 and back in Manchester for around 20:15
I'm in Limassol so either airport is good for us with us being pretty central to both Paphos and Larnaca.
Cheers, Shell
Sunny Cyprus
Also you are flying during the school holidays which usually means higher prices!! with whoever you go with.
Looking at same time this year , have to go in August as Mrs works in a school, and it looks like Monach are around £50 cheaper than Easjet.
I agree, we went BA last time and it worked out about £90 cheaper each pp and had good timings.x
on a separate note this was the first time with them since the started preallocated seating last October,and it was quite a plesent experience compared to the bun-fight it use to be
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