I work in a shop , but not for any of the big supermarkets who do self service scanning , I can see why they are popular with some because if you're in a rush you don't have queue and like Phil said you don't have to interact with anyone which is a godsend for the till operators as they don't have to initiate another mind numbing conversation with a customer
not sure who gets the best end of this deal
I can understand some people not wanting to use self scanning because despite what seems an easy and fairly menial task some might hesitate at the technological complexity of swiping a barcode over some shiny lights , it really is not as easy some might think
First of all you have to find the barcode on the product ! Now even though nearly every retailer has a scanning system which requires the swiping of a barcode the suppliers and manufacturers have their own system of placing the barcode in random places so you generally have to view all the sides of the box or packet to hunt down the barcode , they really like to place bar codes on parts of the packaging that is crinkled or curved because the quickest way for the barcode to be "read" is if the barcode is straight and even .
There is also the manual dexterity needed to place the scanned product into a bag , an experienced till operator has this acquired skill often at a highly impressive speed that shows a truly professional standard of work.
I'm sure some think this is a cost cutting exercise , and that is probably true , perhaps this is the thin end of the wedge and eventually supermarkets will create a system whereby customers can fill up the shelves as they wander around or tidy the products to the front of the shelf to make the environment more pleasant and eye catching for other customers , I'm all for this because I'm totally run off my feet trying to keep up with this shelf filling lark
The only problem with letting customers near the expensive computerised self service checkout is the potential damage that can be done , how can we can be sure that they will be able to operate the system safely when they struggle to operate what is simply a big basket on wheels ?