I'd never be comfortable in a driverless car. Anyone remember the press conference when the new Mercedes S Class was showing off it's new crash avoidance system and how it can detect traffic in front and bring you to a halt if it detects stationary traffic or a danger in front? In front of the worlds press, it was demonstrated how in thick fog, it would stop the car before the driver know what was in front to avoid a crash. They set off and heard a big bang as it hit the car in front. The cause of the accident and reason the system failed? It wasn't activated by the driver! There's too much to go wrong for me and the consequencies too much for a driverless car. What happens if there's a system failure? It's the same with aircraft. Systems are currently in test (over my house on approach to the airport!) with pilotless aircraft (not drones). I'd never be comfortable with that either as computers are good at number crunching, but not problem solving when things go wrong.
I've had a go in a self parking car where you select where you want to park and just use the pedals, the car does the streering. It sort of worked but by the time you'd gone through the procedure for it, you could be in the space and out of the car! Newer systems are probably better than the one I tried, but isn't parking part of the skill of driving?