they werent at all pushy.
That's called the 'softening up process' - they throw the bait and the poisonous hook comes later.
I have 'won' via scratch card a weeks free holiday whereby we will have to undertake to participate in 90 min to once again allow representative to explain the benefits of the Heritage Resorts Private Members Club.
You haven't 'won' anything, and the representatives will give you the hard sell to join a Vacation Club/Travel Club/ Travel Discount Club - aka a 'Holiday Club',
which is an entirely different thing from a timeshare .
To be honest it was difficult to see why you wouldnt want to join???
I could give you plenty of reasons why
NOT to join, so, instead of typing out the reasons - I strongly suggest that you read this link and explore the site.
There's even sc$ms operating amongst other sc$ms, where people are under the impression that they are dealing with reputable and genuine companies, who offer/promise to sell their timeshare and get them out of the contract for an upfront fee - the person who has parted with their money, never see it again and find that they are still stuck in a contract.
If you do manage to fine a reputable seller, you'll get a fraction of the price you paid - look on eBay, there are people trying to sell their membership and timeshares for as little as 1 pence to 'off load' it.
Some people just want 'out' and have refused to pay the demand for the ever increasing maintenance/membership/ management fees.
They will hound you with intimidating letters, threats of court proceedings and bailiffs for the fees ( even Pensioners) until the day you die and beyond the grave.
Legally, your children cannot be forced to inherit your timeshare and hang a debt around their own necks, but your executors will face a difficult decision, because they can be held responsible for paying your debts from your estate, including all future annual fees ...... leeching it yearly until there is nothing left for your family.
Reputable companies don't use scratch cards, don't do surveys and do not cold call....and anybody that does is a fr**d - Do so at your own peril, because there are enough 'sad' stories on the internet to warn anyone before they sign anything.
Tour operators do not pay people to stand on the street or in the airport with clipboards conducting surveys. They will either ask in your hotel, ask on the plane home or contact you, via the email address, which you used to book your holiday.
I saw these parasites crawling with their clipboards amongst the queue for my flight home from Malaga, I noticed the minute CLC ( Club La Costa) embroidered on their polo shirts.
I was wishing one of them would approach me, I was wishing please please do come.
I made contact with her eyes and she must have seen the contempt I have for these scumbags, so she moved along further down the queue to a young couple with a baby.
I've never understood why anyone who says they have no intentions of signing anything, why they go to these presentations in the first place?
Anyone who does want to buy membership in a Holiday Club or Timeshare, they would investigate, they would initiate the contact with a reputable company, and have a solicitor go through the contract with a fine tooth comb before signing or the expiry of the 'cooling off period'.
A fool and his money are soon parted.!!!!
Edited by
2013-09-15 15:12:58