Hmm I'd like to say differently but not sure there is anything you can do with TC if they have offered you a full refund . Are the rooms that you have found available exactly the same as those you have already booked . Out of interest and assuming you can find availability have you tried pricing up with someone like travel republic . See what it would cost you to put flight and accomodation together in the event you take your money back
Read the Booking Conditions that you agreed to when you booked. If it states that there is a binding contract once you have received confirmation then you may have a case for Breach of Contract. However they may also have a disclaimer in there.
If you can't make sense of the Booking Conditions, I would suggest contacting Consumer Direct for advice.

Thanks, I have contacted consumer direct and they say I could have a case as Thomas cook obviously didnt take due care and attention when making my booking,(goods and services act 1982) but of course thomas cook says it wasnt them it was the hotel (but they cant supply proof to this fact as these are internal matters) so therefore their position is that they are carrying out their requirements under the terms and condition as its a change outwith their control.
Has anyone tried to contact Thomas cook customer services, OMG impossible, ive emailed, nearly a week, no answer, its took me 6 days to get hold of a support number that deals with people whom booked in store and they deliberetly hung up on me. No one at Thomas cook is either interested in, or prepared to deal with my complaint because i booked in store apparently, and try getting a hold of the complaints procedure, impossible. Thomas cook customer services absolutely ridiculous, worse i have ever had to deal with. Once the have your cash they aint interested. So in future i wont be Thomas cook'n it, ill just be booking it, elsewhere that way may be a chance ill actually get to go where I planned.
I had emailed the hotel to request a certain room and they informed me they would be closing half way through our holiday.
I went to the TC shop that I booked with and they hadnt heard about the early closure but eventually they offered me a much better hotel around the corner from my original one.
As it isnt a particular busy time when you are going is there any hotels that are nearby that appeals to you?
If there is just ask if you can stay there. Good Luck.
give him 24/48 hours to get you a proper response and then go back in , with your sandwiches and flask, and advise the manager that you want the matter resolved and you will wait while he sorts this.
i would also take the child and something to keep them amused.
this may be a much more effective way of getting something done.
if you dont want to go down that route, pick an alternative hotel, of a similar * rating and write to them (not e-mail) telling them that you will accept this alternative "under protest" as you feel they have let you down and you will be seeking recompense on your return.
however, i think that they can probably change your hotel as you are more than 56 days from your holiday start date -you really need to check all the conditions.
you need to decide if you want a holiday or not before you do anything further.
if TC change your hotel then at least ensure that you get one you are happy with.
if all else fails then i am afraid TC will just say tough and give you a refund
To be honest that is supposed to be one of the advantages of having booked in an agency as opposed to those us us that do on-line bookings so if I would make full use of it.
It's supposed to do away with the need for paying for endless phone calls on premium lines and being passed from one number to another. The staff in the travel agents should be doing that for you, if you have not ended up with what you originally booked.

Thanks, Yes I have went in to store, I allways thought that it was better to book in store too.
But all the store manager can do is sit on phone to thomas cook operations team trying to plead your case, they have contacted the hotel via email to ask why they havent just put me in a larger room (apparently) and are awaiting an answer, that is all store manager can do out of her control. Believe you me i sat instore for three hours with a child and my mother in wheelchair, it made no difference at all. Current situation is they are awaitng answer to email and I have no choice but wait, they can do nothing until they get a response from the hotel.

Is it the store themselvers that are emailing the hotel, or is it the head office that is emailing them ? I wonder if that makes any difference.
I'm currently researching stories about problems with holidays for a new tv programme and i'd be interested to find out the current status of your complaint. If you'd be happy to discuss then please contact me Lydia on 0207 5987 306.

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