I have very frizzy thick hair which goes down to my bum, and if I braid it and let it out during the flight, I come off the plane looking like a cave woman. My option is to braid it and keep it in during the flight (smothered in conditioner) or wear it down and hope it stays in place.
Skin care, I always take my make up off as soon as I get on the plane and apply a moisturiser or a moisturising masque (ideally a clear one) to avoid that horrible texture; if I'm applying moisturiser then I'll re apply every 2-3 hours or so and make sure I bring lipbalm. I normally bring a minimal make up set (tinted moisturiser, tinted lipbalm and eyeliner) for just before the plane lands plus fresh clothes

Oh and I bring a bottle of alcohol hand sanitiser gel and tissues so I can wipe the table down before I touch anything.
Does anyone else do this? Or does anyone else have any tips? It helps pass the time if nothing else