Right getting to my point, didn't go back to goa for 5 years and went back in 2011.
we had it planned for 14 months so got the right price on flights and got the accommodation
we wanted, so no probs. Decided to do Xmas new year this year so set out looking for flights
and a place to stay. well what can i say. Flights outrageous prices and what they are asking per
week in the hotels got me a flight and a months stay when I first went to Goa.
Have found a site with fairly decent prices,so going to take the accommodation they have on offer. I have narrowed down to 3.
The Alor hotel, Tio Carmino and Senhor Angelo. all in same area similar prices, I have been
through the reviews on numerous sites and all get more or less the same reviews, some good some bad.
So don't know which one to go for. So I thought I would pick the brains of the H.trs.
always worked in the past. Thanks, Andy