Sorry to be so long- haven't been great the last few days which makes it difficult to concentrate.
Hong Kong is definitely not a place to book tours. You just get out and about yourself. Although it can be expensive to stay and for drinks, getting around is cheap and also there are many fantastic restaurants that are good value. To be honest, I would stay away from hotel restaurants which can be extortionate. There is no point in my recommending restaurants as they probably change so often.
Invest in 2 or 3 guide books. Between them you will get all the information you need. Particularly look for ones which give you suggested walks. I can't find our best one- we probably passed it on. We picked a district and took the suggested walk from there. you can come across so many things you wouldn't find on your own.
I should do the "must sees and dos" by district but I'm not that great and remembering
Victoria Peak- I strongly recommend that you go twice. Once at night. The views are absolutely breathtaking and you can also have a walk around and the shops are quite interesting there as well. You can spend hours though just admiring the views..The tram ride is good too- at one point it looks as if all the buildings are squint!
We ate at Café Deco which has stunning views at night.
Here is the website. Make your reservations well in advance- their email is there. You should ask that you have a table with the best view and saying its a special occasion will help. As you have a week you can be a bit flexible so give alternatives if they can't guarantee a table with a view on the day requested. We actually got the best table in the place. I think most won't think about reserving until they are there. There are other restaurants which have views at the Peak but I don't know if they can beat this one!
Here was me saying I couldn't recommend restaurants and I am going to say that you MUST visit City Hall for Dim Sum one lunchtime. Maxims is the name- but beware as there are two Maxims at City Hall. You want the one on the top floor. It is a seemingly chaotic place- huge and jampacked, but locals outnumber tourists. Waitresses wheel round trollies and you stop them and see if this anything you fancy. There will always be a queue but it shifts really quickly. You will come out having eaten far too much! We have gone every visit and won't miss it. Just don't plan to do too much in the afternoon. It is definitely catering for office workers so does close sharp- check the times before you go.
To be continued!