Whether to go AI or HB is a personal choice but it's never appealed to me as I like to get out and about and try different restaurants etc., most of which are quite reasonable in Tunisia. Most restaurants have menus and price lists outside so you are unlikely to get any nasty shocks. From what I've heard Skanes certainly has got some nice hotels but that's about all it's got going for it. My daughter and her family went there a couple of years ago and said they'd not go again as there was nothing to do outside the hotels so they always had to go into Sousse, Monastir or PEK. For this reason I think you may be better at the Kanta in PEK. It's well situated and there are plenty of nice restaurants in the area, particularly round the Marina and by the musical fountain in the square. I always liked the Sultana near the fountain. It's recently been refurbished and from what I've heard it's even better now.
Taxis are cheap, particularly if you 'negotiate' (haggle) before getting in, but you'll need to go into Sousse for the train or metro (both ridiculously cheap) if you want to explore further afield. I'm also sure you'll want to explore the Medina in Sousse for a real Tunisian experience. It's really not at all scary provided you are prepared to haggle and say a firm "la shokran, gahli bharcha" (No thank you, too expensive) or 'M'andee floos" (I've got no money) and walk away. The shopkeepers will all call out and try to get you into their shops but you can simply ignore then and keep walking. If you want to appear a little more friendly simply say my name, give a vague wave and still keep walking, as 'Aslemma' is 'hello', Any specific questions don't hesitate to ask and I'm sure someone on here will try and help you.