I have booked a holiday to Benidorm 21st June 14. I am confused because I keep getting different information as to online check in and e tickets. I was told it was 14 days before to check in online for flight, then seven days and then you don't need to online check in at all. E tickets six weeks before, then you should have had them by now wait till four weeks before and then query it. I cannot do manage my booking because when I booked it I thought I was just booking by phone and it turns out I was booking through a shop in Solihull and I live in Liverpool. I never thought I would write this but it is far easier to book with budget airline and do your own transfers and hotel. Problem was only Thompson do this particular hotel so I went for a package. Can anyone advise.
Thank you Margaret
this was the procedure when my son travelled last month
Who is your flight with?
I think other airlines may be different.
I am not sure I would do it again as the bag drop queue was twice the length of the check in one.
Thanks Margaret
i think maybe this should have been posted in Thompson forum and I have made a mistake sorry
As it is a package I am flying with thompson. I think it is the e ticket that bothers me. Should I have received it by now
From my experience of travelling with Thomson, No - I usually receive the e ticket about 2 weeks before departure.
I've just dug out one of my emails from Thomson, we went to Spain on the 18th March and the date I received the e tickets (via the email) was on the 2nd March @ 18.25.
Flight Details Airline: THOMSON AIRWAYS
Outbound: Return:
Date: 18 Mar 2014 Date: 25 Mar 2014
Departure airport: DONCASTER SHEFFIELD Departure airport: MALAGA
Arrival airport: MALAGA Arrival airport: DONCASTER SHEFFIELD
Flight code: TOM3226 Flight code: TOM3227
Depart: 06.00 Depart: 10.55
Arrive: 09.55 Arrive: 12.55
All the flight times are based on local time, flight timings and airlines details are subject to change.
You'll be checking-in online when you fly with Thomson Airways. You can just drop your luggage at the bag drop desk and go through security.
Boarding cards must be printed on A4 paper and be clearly legible with no rips or tears. All bag drop desks will close promptly 45 minutes prior to scheduled time of departure, we recommend that you allow sufficient time to complete bag drop formalities.
(See our website: http://www.thomson.co.uk/editorial/faqs/flights/checking-in.html for check-in options).
Travelling with others under the same booking reference and have hold baggage? All that's needed is for one member of your party to bring all passports, everyone's online printed boarding passes and all bags to the bag drop desk. Please note everyone must be in possession of their own boarding pass when passing through security.
Customers requiring special assistance at the airport or onboard their flight should book this in advance by visiting http://www.flightextras.thomson.co.uk.
You'll be able to check-in online from 7 days before your departure date and once you do, you'll automatically be allocated your seats on the plane. And if you buy Select Your Seat, Extra Space, Extra Legroom or Premium Seats, you can check-in even earlier - from 14 days before you fly by visiting http://www.flightextras.thomson.co.uk
I've never bothered with on-line check in, the queue never seems any shorter, and the Thomson's desks are well equipped to swipe your passport etc as quickly as the other queue.
Sanji x
Thank you for your advice. I am sure everything will be alright in the end it was just the mixed info that confused me thank you again margaret
I am confused because I keep getting different information as to online check in and e tickets. I was told it was 14 days before to check in online for flight, then seven days and then you don't need to online check in at all
I think the confusion arises because the information you've been given, depends on whether or not you've bought any 'extras' - and NO you don't have to check- in on line.
You'll be able to check-in online from 7 days before your departure date and once you do, you'll automatically be allocated your seats on the plane. And if you buy Select Your Seat, Extra Space, Extra Legroom or Premium Seats, you can check-in even earlier - from 14 days before you fly by visiting
Don't worry,

Sanji x
An e-ticket is just an electronic ticket and all you "should" need is your passport to check in. However Thomsons may have other ideas.
neknit wrote:i think maybe this should have been posted in Thompson forum and I have made a mistake sorry
I have merged your thread with the Thomson / TUI thread and sent you a PM with a link to the new topic.
We checked in online 2 weeks before going, very easy and both legs printed for both of us and at bag drop all they wanted was the passports, this was march
I have never needed to show an e-ticket with any airline I've flown with that uses them although that doesn't include Thomsons. Sanji will be able to tell you if they actually ask for it.
We checked in online 2 weeks before going, very easy and both legs printed for both of us and at bag drop all they wanted was the passports, this was march
Again, it depends on whether or not you've booked in on- line or you're checking in at the airport.
If you've checked - in on line, you've already given them the information, so there seems little point in asking asking for it again.
If you check- in at the airport you have to hand over your e ticket document and passports - they need it for the booking reference number and in the email it says so.
This is what it says at the start of the e ticket email.
My E-ticket
You must print your E-ticket and take it with you on your holiday to allow you to travel. Please click the 'Print now' link for a printable version. If you are having any problems downloading your E-ticket, please click here for more information.
I've always handed over my e ticket document and looking at other passengers in the queue, they all seem to be clutching a piece of paper. I've never tried going to the airport without it to see what happens.
Sanji x
When we have not booked in on line but done it at the airport I allways stand there clutching my e ticket but they have never asked for it, I bet next time they will want it now
I got my e ticket this morning, phew. We travel 21st June so i guess it's about six weeks before. We can check in online 14 days before as we have already booked our seats.
At last clarity although as I am sure you can guess I am a worrier when it come to all this despite the fact that I have been going abroad for 32 years.
Gone are the days when you got a nice fat envelope with proper tickets for flights and hotel and luggage labels in a wallet.
So, I am sorted and not confused anymore.

Thanks to all
Latest FCO advice seems to have shut down Kenya as a destination!
hiya,just booked with thomsons in the travel agents,they never told us about this baggage dump. we fly from birmingham and were wondering if anyone has used birmingham airport lately and can tell us if it is working without problems,or are we better just checking in at the checking in desk as we used to
Can anyone help i am trying to put our API on the Thomson site but every time i put in our booking ref it says it cannot find our booking. The holiday is paid for and we are flying Thomson Airways. If i go on MY Thomson with our booking ref no problem it shows our holiday.