I remember a friend at work telling me she had to look after her friends pet and agreed to doing it before finding out it was a snake , she had to take mice out of the freezer and defrost them before feeding them to the snake !!
It's enough to put you off your KFC .
I'm not that keen on snakes ( but have held one ) and mice and rats etc I'm not too keen on either .
When I go away my brother looks after the cats , I pay him for doing that . Years ago we had a guy who used to look after our cats , he was an ex army and ex police dog handler , and they often say owners look like their dogs and he did look like an Alsatian !! But he was wonderful with animals and it was a shame he moved away from the area , my next door neighbour is very good and has said he would look after our cats if we needed , his daughter who is about 15 would look after them probably, she likes animals , she even turned her unused Wendy house into a home for our cats to sleep in during the day !! Anyone who has a cat knows they will use any situation to their advantage !