any one ever been at Klarisa hotel in s/b .cant get to g/s this time as no flights to Varna .Also warning my grandson got his wallet and phone stole last week : with pickpockets
Horrible thing to happen. I hope it didn't completely ruin his holiday. We had another member who lost her purse and kindle on a beach in Spain. It did really affect her holiday.
My grandson and friends were sitting on the beach ,when they were going back to hotelhe found his wallet and phone gone three lads were sitting behind them on the beach ,thats where it happened resort was S/B
So not locals then? I hope he didn't lose too much money. Its a tough lesson to learn. I often wonder if the thief ever considers the effect of their actions on others.
Hi Tony ,Fiona it was locals who stole his property police were not much help to him .Insurance wont pay out on phone as they said he should have got statement from police ,and description of the theif .Has sort of put me of going now .But will be very carefull when we go in August June
Don't let it put you off. Just think safety. I have been to places where robberies are rife. What I tend to do is never wear any expensive jewellery. When I was in Cape Town and Rio I wouldn't even wear any costume jewellery which looked expensive. I never take my phone out with me on holiday. It is kept for the hotel and put in the safe when I am not using it. We don't ever take more money than we think we will need. Also in Rio OH kept a nominal amount in his pocket and hid the rest.However I do nowadays have a kindle if we are on the beach.