I have read a few of the comments on the Dona Alcina and I can't imagine why people would say complimentary things about it.
5 years ago it was one of Goa's best middle range hotels, then the two brothers that own it fell out. Since then no money has been spent on the hotel and you can tell.
The rooms need a paint! and new furniture, we know it wasn't just our room, as we moved room 4 times until we found one we liked.
They have frosted windows so you cant really see out, and the entrances to the hotel rooms are at the back, so to get there you have to walk past the bins or next to the pig farm next door! why they didn't have the entrances at the front in the nice gardens is a mystery!
All the buildings need a good paint and the bars on the privately owned hotel rooms make the place feel like a prison.
I really am not a snob, me and my wife travelled around India a few years back and you would get better standard rooms in goa for less than £5! (probably £7-8 now)
I know you get what you pay for and this is one of the cheapest but it can really depress you coming back to this hotel after spending a lovely night in goa!
If your not sure what hotel to stay in, my advice would be the Nizmar its roughly the same price but much nicer.
If you have a few more pounds to spend book the goa Marriott before you go, it's lovely and not much more if you book it this end with someone like airtours!
After 3 nights at the dona alcina we checked into the Marriott at a cost of £90 a night! bloody expensive but well worth it, as the dona alcina was somewhere we couldn't stay for our holiday, as only getting 4 weeks holiday a year, holiday is precious and a prison isn't our idea of a relaxing time!
Sorry to go on but it amazes me that airtours have it in the brochure. its not good enough. And people saying 'well it's India what do you expect' is wrong, you can get a lot better for the same money elsewhere in goa!
on a plus point the people are nice!
Oh and candalim has turned into benidorm for the over 50's, seems to be full of chav mums and dad, most restaurants in candolim prize them selves on there continental menu's , with chicken Kiev one of the fav's! this is India remember!
better to go to calengute or baga! if you want to stay in this type of area!